Sermons - 2010

Here are the sermons I have preached in 2010.

Current or newest sermons are added to the top of this page.

Gifts From God - Part 1 - God is the giver of good, perfect gifts. This
is a study of Ephesians 4. God has given us what we need.

Gifts From God - Part 2 - The 2nd part of this study looks at how long
these gifts will last and how we can use them.

For the man who has everything - At Christmas time there is always
someone hard to select a gift. They seem to have everything.

Can I celebrate Christmas? - What does the Bible teach about how,
or if, we can celebrate religious holidays?

Jesus Could Have - - - There are several things that Jesus could
have done to avoid the cross. But, He chose not to use any of the
options to escape.

Who Am I? - We are often described by our occupation. This lesson
looks at who I am in relation to God and others.

The Language of Dress - How we dress speaks loudly about who
we are, what we value, our morals.

Revelation / Inspiration - Many confuse these two words. This
sermon looks at these two words.

Black Friday - The day after Thanksgiving is a huge shopping day
with many early shoppers looking for bargains. But, there was
another Black Friday, the day Christ died.

Judgment Day Words - This sermon looks at the words that one
does not want to hear on judgment day.

Graceful Thanksgiving - What does saved by grace have to do with
Thanksgiving Day?

Book of Revelation - Many avoid the study of Revelation because it
is too difficult to understand. Why should we ready this important
book in the New Testament?

Growing Old, Not Cold - How do we age with grace? Why do some
become cranky and bitter while others are gentle?

Fleecing the Flock - Tithing is often preached on TV. What does the
Bible teach about this topic?

Good News - The word "gospel" means good news. But just what
is the good news that we should preach to others?

The Marriage Rule - Most who study this topic begin looking for the
loopholes, the exceptions. Before we can understand the exception,
we must know the rule.

Halloween is Over - Just like children on Halloween, Christians
wear masks and pretend (hypocrisy) to be something they are not.

Don't Order Vanilla - This lesson is not about ice cream. It is about
how our worship must not be plain, ordinary vanilla.

Jesus is Plan A - From the beginning, God had a plan for mankind.
Jesus is at the heart of Plan A.

There is no Plan B - We often want an alternate plan, just in case
plan A does not work. God has no Plan B.

Reverence in Communion - A solemn part of our worship is when
we remember the death of Jesus in communion.

Keepers at Home - This lesson looks at two issues about women
in the home. What if the husband is not a Christian? Does the
Bible allow women to work outside the home.

Ebenezer - This word, and many other words and phrases in the
songs we sing are not familiar or understood. We must sing with
spirit and understanding.

Situation Ethics - There are some who try to show that the Bible
approves and teaches situation ethics.

Why Work? - What is the purpose in spending so much of our day
working? What does the Bible teach about our work ethic?

Tell me what I want to hear - Many do not want to hear the truth.
They want to be entertained, hear that they are OK as is.

What we Bring to Worship - What we get out of worship depends
on what we bring as we enter worship.

Questions about the Bible - Peter answers many of the common
questions that people have about the Bible.

The Invitation - At the close of a sermon, we stand and sing an
invitation song. What is this part of our worship all about?

CENI - Is the basic method of interpreting the Bible a correct

Oxymorons - There are some statements we make a which are

Living God vs. Idols - What are the differences between idols and
the living God, Jehovah?

Everybody says it, Nobody believes it - Some things are repeated
so often that many believe them to be true. This lesson challenges
some of these things that nobody believes.

How to Kiss a Frog - Some jobs are challenging, difficult or even a
bit distasteful, but when we do them, there are great rewards.

Preparation for Marriage - What factors are important when dating
and preparing for marriage? Here are some stats you need to know.

God, our Creator - Part of our VBS study on the nature of God is to
see the POWER of God.

God's Rainbow - Why did God put the rainbow in the sky? What can
we learn from the rainbow?

Last Chapter Church - In the last chapter of each letter of Paul there is
some final word of admonition or encouragement. Add all of these toget-
her and you have a "last chapter kind" of church.

Does God Annoy You? - Often the little things that annoy us are more
troubling than the big stuff. What annoys you?

My Church - There is a sense in which this term is not correct. I do not
own or control the church. The church belongs to Christ. But there is a
way to think about "my church."

July 4 - Freedom - What are the spiritual freedoms that we have? How
much value do we place on them? What would we die for?

What it means to Preach Christ - Preaching is to some, foolishness, and to
others it is a time of learning and encouragement. Here is my philosophy for
preaching sermons.

What will NOT Save - There are some things that many are relying on for
their salvation, but they will not save us.

Danger of Summertime - While we enjoy the longer daylight, vacations, and
other activities - Be aware. There are some spiritual dangers to summer.

Memorial Stones - Memorial Day is an important time for us to be reminded
of the sacrifice others made. This lesson looks at the 12 Stone memorial of
Israel crossing the Jordan in the Promised Land.

Skunks and Turtles - This lesson looks at how we handle anger, frustration,
stress and other disappointments in life.

It is Never Too Late to Go Home - A lesson for a Homecoming at a church
where I preached over 40 years ago. This sermon is about the Prodigal Son.

Accidents Happen - 2 years ago I had a serious accident. What does the Bible
teach about accidents and traumatic events in our lives? What can we learn?
What should we learn from these accidents?

Enemies are all around us - Christ had some enemies. The apostles had many
enemies. Christians also are surrounded by enemies that seek to defeat us.

Opportunities to Take - We must be able to see, recognize and jump at every
opportunity that is available to Christians.

Challenges Before Us - The church faces many challenges as we attempt to
reach and teach others.

Monster in the Mirror - Before there can be real repentance, we must be able to
see how horrible sin is. We must be able to see the monster in the mirror.

Why are we not reaching them? - Why have our efforts to evangelize shown little
results in recent years. Here are 5 things to consider as we present the gospel.

What Will You Do With Jesus? - The song asks an important question for us to
think about. What will you do WITHOUT Jesus?

Men are Computers, Women are Cell Phones - Men and Women are different in
many ways - including how we communicate. This sermon looks at this part of our
marriages, homes, work, and the church.

Tater Family - There are many members of this family that should NOT be part of
the local church. Dick Tater, Ampu Tater, Spec Tater and several more are discussed.

How to Boil a Frog - Sinful behavior often comes so slowly that we fail to realize that
we are drifting away from where we once stood.

Dream Big Dreams - God is bigger than our biggest dreams. Many people (and churches)
have puny dreams, tiny goals, small ambitions. God is bigger than that.

4 Stupid Things - All of us do stupid things. Even Abraham and Sarah did made some stupid
decisions in Genesis 16.