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TITLE: So I Left It Out

TEXT: 2 Timothy 4:1-4

PROPOSITION: One can not be politically correct and preach the gospel.


KEY WORD: Reasons


  1. Today we are trying to be “politically correct”.

  2. This means that nothing we say will offend anyone.

  3. We want “tickled ears” not “stomped toes”.

  4. Today – I have no sermon.

I thought about a sermon on the topic of:


  1. But there might be an atheist in the audience.

  2. I would not want to offend them by telling them there is a God.

  3. Psalm 14:1 – fool says there is no God.

Virgin Birth of Jesus

  1. Isaiah 7:14 and Matthew 1:23 clearly teach the virgin birth

  2. However, many believe that Isaiah was just talking about a young woman

  3. Some object to making Jesus' birth a miracle

Miracles of Jesus

  1. The purpose of all miracles of Jesus and the apostles – prove their message was from God.

  2. Raise dead, heal sick, blind, lame, deaf

  3. There are some who object – all “miracles” have a natural explanation

  4. The purpose of these miracles was to prove Jesus IS the Son of God

Gospel – Death, Burial, and Resurrection

  1. 1 Corinthians 15:1-3

  2. This teaching is the very heart of the gospel – New Testament

  3. Many reject the blood of Jesus

  4. Many scoff at the resurrection – he just fainted and revived later

Church Jesus Built

  1. Matthew 16:18 – I will build my church

  2. One church – only one – not more than one

  3. Jesus is the head

    1. No human head

    2. No world headquarters

    3. No creed, manual

Hell – Punishment for Wicked

  1. Revelation 21:8 – Wicked will be separated from God

  2. 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9 – in flaming fire taking vengeance

  3. Many do not believe in a place of eternal punishment

  4. Many teach “universal” salvation – all go to heaven

Heaven – Reward for the righteous

  1. John 14:1-3 – Jesus is preparing a place for His followers

  2. The faithful will live for ever with God in Heaven

  3. Some reject after life – Sadducees of today – this life is all there is

Obey the Gospel

  1. Hebrews 5:8-9 – salvation to them that OBEY Him

  2. Matthew 7:21 – he that does the will of the Father

  3. Many today (New Age) believe they are god and salvation is up to them as they progress through various lives (reincarnation).


  1. I don't have any sermon – for fear of someone being offended.

  2. The real lesson is:

    1. Sometimes the truth – HURTS, offends, divides

    2. But we must preach and teach the truth – anyway.


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