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Teacher Training Manual

Jesus Came Teaching

1. Jesus and the Synagogue

          A. Jesus broke with the methods of teaching.

          B. Matthew 7:28-29 "taught as one with authority"

2. Jesus and the Scriptures

          A. Jesus taught Scriptures

          B. Not traditional commentaries on the verse.

          C. Jesus taught the "spirit" of Scripture.

3. Jesus and Freedom

          A. We must guard against error.

          B. But - don't demand conformity.

          C. There is more than one way to obey God's will.

4. Jesus and Motivation

          A. Jesus was concerned with the motives of men.

          B. Most teaching in His day (and today) concerns outward acts.

          C. Matthew 9:13 "Go and learn what this means."

          D. Sermon on the Mount - Letter vs. spirit.

          E. Illustration from page 11 - Sabbath's Journey.



Emphasizing Results

1. We are not getting the Results we Desire

          A. In the area of Bible Knowledge

                    a] "Frog in the Kettle", George Barna

                    b] Pages 41, 113, 114, 118,

                    c] "Studies show that we have become a nation of biblical illiterates, lacking knowledge of what is in the Bible, and showing limited commitment to applying its truths to our daily behavior." (pg. 116)

          B. In the area of Christian living

                    a] Most make many poor choices

                    b] Lack Bible information to make right decisions

2. Two Dangers Teachers Face

          A. The danger of leading the members to learn only verbalized concepts.

                    a] Rote memory - 12 tribes, NT books

                    b] Quote verses - not understand them

          B. The danger of leading the members to have only an emotional catharsis in the class session.

                    a] Feel good from understanding the lesson

                    b] Does not change his life or behavior

                    c] Just feels good about self in class

3. Workers Together with God

4. The Centrality of the Conversion Experience

          A. What happens to the individual in the conversion experience?

                    a] New creature.

                    b] Not superficial or mechanical.

                    c] Change is not automatic.


          B. What should one get from the conversion experience?

                    1. A desire to know the teachings of the Bible

                    2. A willingness to follow the Bible.

                    3. A power beyond themselves to overcome sin.

                    4. Foundation and motivation for Christian living.

          C. Does the conversion experience automatically produce Christian character?  NO!

5. The Problem Teachers Face

          A. NOT - How to teach the Bible

          B. BUT - How to lead individuals to obey and serve

          C. BUT - How to be effective, make changes in lives




Understanding the Teacher-Learning Process

1. Two Approaches

          A. Teach Bible knowledge - Let pupil make applications

          B. Help pupil to make proper choices in life.

2. Christian living results from:

          A. Character Development - training from childhood

          B. Forced Choices - life situations

          C. The Teacher

          D. The Pupil

          E. Interest

          F. The Lesson

          G. Physical Arrangement

3. Steps in the Learning Process

          A. Exposure

                    a] A new idea is presented

                    b] Give time to soak in, digest, accept

          B. Repetition

                    a] Teach same lesson from several directions

                    b] Teach same lesson for emphasis

                    c] Remember: Lessons are a week apart.

          C. Special Assignments

                    a] Research a topic, word, location, etc.

                    b] Panel discussion, debate, defend position

                    c] How do you get them to do their assignments?

                              1] Let them know that you expect it.

                              2] Hold them accountable.

                              3] Provide the means - church library

          D. Understanding

                    a] Golden Rule

                              1] 95% believe world would be better

                              2] 95% say they are living by it

                    b] Beyond exposure

          E. Conviction

                    a] Does the pupil REALLY believe this?

                    b] Test with "What if ...?"

                    c] Rich young ruler - Mark 10:17-22

                    d] Matthew 16:24 "Take up cross and follow me."

          F. Application

                    a] When will I need this information in my life?

                    b] How can this make my life better?

4. A Problem

          A. Natural learning takes place in life situations

                    a] Tie shoes, eat with a spoon, drive a car

                    b] Job is not learned until "on the job" training

          B. Remove people from their life situations = problem

                    a] How do you teach life in a classroom?

                    b] We substitute authority for freedom.

                              1] Authority = This is the right way to do it

                              2] Freedom = To learn from our mistakes

                    c] We substitute lessons for life.

                    d] We substitute things to learn for life itself.

5. Some Misconceptions

          A. Telling is not necessarily teaching.

          B. Listening is not necessarily learning.

          C. Reciting does not necessarily mean understanding.

          D. Memorizing does not necessarily mean conviction.

6. Principles of Learning

          A. Learning must start where the pupil is.  "The teacher must know the members of his class intimately enough to know their level of understanding and their present attitudes in the area being studied and he must teach them in light of and in terms of their present understanding and development." (pg. 43)

          B. Learning is based on interest.  "Since learning is based upon interest, the teacher, in preparing his lesson, must make careful plans for arousing the curiosity and stimulating the interest of the class at the beginning of the lesson, realizing that there is little need for him to continue with it until such interest has been secured." (pg. 45)

          C. Learning is based on need.  "In preparing the lesson, the teacher should identify specifically the needs of the class members which may be met by that particular lesson.  The materials should then be arranged and the lesson taught in such a way that those needs will be met." (pg. 46)

          D. Learning takes place thorugh activity.

                    a] Guided- not turned loose - guide the tour

                    b] Purposeful - not fill time - goal in mind

                    c] NOT mere "busy work"

                    d] "The teacher, in preparing the lesson, must make plans to stimulate purposeful activity on the part of the class members.  This activity may be mental, emotional, or physical.  It may take place both in and outside the class session.  We learn best through experience; therefore, whenever possible lead the class in desirable Christian experiences." (pg. 49)

          E. We learn through identification.  "The Christian teacher should seek to embody the ideals of Christ in such an attractive and winsome way that his life will both be worthy and inspire imitation." (pg. 50)



Some Dynamics in the Teaching Situation

1. Define: "Dynamics" - "Those factors or forces within the teaching-learning situation which cause action, reaction, or interaction."  (pg. 51)

2. Factors that Inhere in the Teacher

          A. Attitude toward the learner.

                    a] Wild, stupid, uncontrolled

                    b] Ignorant, eager, desire to grow

          B. Attitude toward the material.

                    a] This is what I have been assigned.

                    b] I don't see any reason for teaching this.

          C. Attidude toward teaching.

                    a] I have 45 minutes to fill.

                    b] I must not allow anyone to talk

                    c] "Know-it-all" attitude

          D. Personality of the teacher.

                    a] Easy to talk to, listen to

                    b] Cheerful disposition

                    c] Self-confidence without self-pride

3. Factors that Inhere in the Learner

          A. The attitude of the learner toward himself - the self-concept.

                    a] Cocky, "know-it-all"

                    b] Guilty, conscience-laden with sin

                    c] Desire to grow stronger in the faith

          B. The attitude of the learner toward the group - the self-other concept.

                    a] Show-off - needs attention from others

                    b] Loner - not mix socially

                    c] Leader - assertive, has good ideas

          C. The attitude of the learner toward the teacher - the self-teacher concept.

                    a] Boring, dull, disciplinarian

                    b] Kind, caring, loving, helpful

          D. The attitude of the learner toward the learning situation - the self-situation concept.

                    a] Don't want to be here. Parents make him come.

                    b] Wants to learn - if help with his life.

4. Factors that Inhere in the Learning Situation

          A. Class spirit.

                    a] My class vs. The class

                    b] Desire to be present

          B. Physical factors.

                    a] Proper equipment

                    b] Proper temperature

                    c] Proper arrangement

          C. Size of class.

                    a] Advantages of small class

                              1] Know each other

                              2] More discussion and participation

                    b] Advantages of a large class

                              1] Attend without threat of being called on

                              2] Lack of enough dedicated teachers


                    c] Disadvantages to a small class

                              1] Few absent = large part of class missing

                              2] More discussion = slower progress

                    d] Disadvantages to a large class

                              1] Less personal, absent without being missed

                              2] Sponges - come, soak up, leave

                              3] "No Deposit - No Return"



Studying the Bible and the Pupil

1. The Teacher and His Bible

          A. His knowledge of the Bible.

          B. His attitude toward the Bible.

          C. His experience of Bible truths.

2. The Teacher and His Theology

          A. Define "Theology"

          B. What is the theology of the lower grades?

          C. What is the theology of this lesson?

          D. What is the teacher's hermeneutic principle?

                    a] "New Hermeneutic" - Pick and choose

                    b] Literal, inspired of God

                    c] Conservative vs. Liberal

3. The Teacher Studying His Bible

          A. Stimulating teachers in Bible study.

                    a] Many get their lessons

                    b] Never open their Bible

          B. Helping the teachers know how to study the Bible.

                    a] Systematic basis

                    b] Uninterrupted study

                    c] Plan of study - Book, chapter, character, word

                    d] Extensively - View the whole Bible

                    e] Intensively - Examine the passage closely

4. The Teacher and the Pupil

          A. Book "Between Two Worlds" = Bible & Today

          B. Need to know the Bible - Biblical world

          C. Need to know to pupil - Today's world

          D. TEACHER'S TASK: build a bridge between these worlds

5. Jesus' Concern for Persons

          A. We often think in terms of the class

          B. Each INDIVIDUAL = infinite worth

                    a] He looked at the multitudes, had compassion

                    b] He did not see a blur of faces in a crowd

                    c] He saw INDIVIDUALS with particular needs

          C. Teach a truth when they are ready for it (Jn. 16:12)

6. The Teacher Understanding the Pupil

          A. "A teacher does not teach a class or a group.  He works with individuals, who may gather at times in classes or groups.  Each individual is unique in God's sight.  He should be so in the teacher's sight." (pg. 79)

          B. Know - names, ages, birthdays

          C. Understand - problems they face, moral choices

          D. Know their: music, TV programs, and magazines

                    a] Ill. from Lawrence Welk - not work with teens

                    b] Ill. from MTV not help in senior adult class

7. Information the Teacher Needs

          A. Comprehensive questionnaire (See pages 81-84)

                    a] General information

                    b] Home life

                    c] School life

                    d] Companionships

                    e] Disposition

                    f] Interests and Hobbies

                    g] Religious life

          B. Present religious development

8. How to Get and Use this Information

          A. How to get this information

                    a] Read books on your age group

                    b] Develop a questionnaire

          B. How to keep this information

                    a] Loose-leaf notebook

                    b] Computer data base

                    c] Periodically update and revise

          C. How to use this information

                    a] Send card on birthday

                    b] Ask about their favorite subject

                    c] Use illustrations from their interest, hobby



Making Aims Specific

1. Divisions of the lesson plan

          A. How to state an aim. State in terms of:

                    a] Knowledge

                    b] Inspiration

                    c] Conduct response

                    d] Ill. of each

                              1] Knowledge - Learn significant facts in the Life of Jesus in chronological order.

                              To learn essential facts about he first missionary journey of Paul.

                              2] Inspiration - To have an appreciation of the life and teaching of Jesus.

                              Lead the class to be missionary minded.

                              3] Conduct response - To practice three virtues in their daily lives.

                              Lead the class in the financial support of a missionary.

          B. How to secure purposeful Bible study.

                    a] Arouse interest

                    b] "Ho-hum" and "So what?"

          C. How to develop the lesson.

                    a] Stick to the aim

                    b] Only use material that leads to that aim

          D. How to make the lesson personal.

                    a] Apply to life situations

                    b] Use illustrations from their lives

          E. How to secure carry-over.

                    a] Tie this lesson to what is coming next week

                    b] Use assignments, projects, research

2. A weakness in our teaching.

          A. What is your aim in this lesson?

                    a] To teach the Bible.

                    b] This is the lesson assigned for today.

                    c] Help the class grow in knowledge.

          B. Problem with this is - No SPECIFIC aim.

3. What is an Aim? (Objective, Proposition, Thesis, Purpose)

          A. "An objective (or aim) is a statement of a result consciously accepted as a desired outcome of a given process."  (pg. 91)

          B. A statement of what the teacher wants to accomplish in this lesson.

          C. Most teachers aim at nothing - hit the bulls eye.

          D. Consider the age, class, lesson, and needs of pupils.

4. Qualities of a Good Aim

          A. It ought to be brief enough to be remembered.

          B. It ought to be clear enough to be written down.

          C. It ought to be specific enough to be achieved.

                    a] Specific = something that can be measured.

                    b] Can't be counted? Not a specific aim.

                    c] Not apply to every lesson.

                    NOTE: Not required that you test each time.  But, you could test and measure your objective.

5. Types of Aims

          A. Quarterly Aims (13 weeks; 3 months)

          B. Unit aims (1 month; 4 or 5 weeks)

          C. Lesson aims (each individual lesson)

          D. See charts and diagrams (pg. 94 & 96)

6. Aims and Results

          A. Teach knowledge

          B. Seek inspiration

          C. Secure conduct response

          D. A teacher can't do all three in each lesson!

          E. Select one of these as the "dominant" aim.

7. Learning to Identify each Type of Aim

          A. The test

                    a] Knowledge Aim - Is my primary purpose to teach facts, to give information, or to interpret meaning?

                    b] Inspiration Aim - Is my primary purpose to deepen appreciation or to develop a general attitude?

                    c] Conduct Response Aim - Is my purpose to secure specific response in life?


                    a] What do I want the class members to do?

                    b] How can they express it during this week?



                    a] It ought to be brief enough to be remembered.

                    b] It ought to be clear enough to be written down.

                    c] It ought to be specific enough to be achieved.

          B. Give some examples of aims - then test them.

                    a] Lead class to live a more consecrated life.

                    b] Help class live courageously for Christ.

                    c] Help class make better moral choices.

                    d] Teach class to remain faithful to church.

                    e] Assist the class to overcome temptation.

                    f] Urge the class to express their love for Jesus.

8. Four factors to determine ability to transfer.

          A. The pupil must be able to take the principle, doctrine, classroom teaching, and apply it to a wide variety of situations they might encounter.

          B. To help them transfer from class to life:

                    a] Common elements in the new situation and the individual's past experiences.

                    b] Extent to which they are aware of these common elements.

                    c] Depth of conviction he has in this particular area.

                    d] Strength of other "pulls" in the new situation.


Securing Purposeful Bible Study

1. Ineffective Ways to use the Bible

          A. Read the text to the class

          B. Each read a verse

          C. Poor reading, stumble over words = ineffective

2. How to Secure Purposeful Bible Study

          A. The class must be prepared for Bible Study

                    a] Know the schedule ahead of time

                    b] Given a specific assignment

          B. Curiosity must be aroused

                    a] Introduction of lesson should arouse interest

                    b] Keep introduction in line with aim of lesson

                    c] Use a natural transition

          C. Tell the group what to look for

                    a] How did Jesus respond?

                    b] Why did He say this?

                    c] How did He handle the question?

          D. After the Scripture reading ask the class for the answers to the questions raised in the introduction.

3. An Analysis

          A. The teacher must arouse the interest of the class

          B. Tell the class what to look for

4. Mistakes to Avoid

          A. Plan to secure interest is not stimulating enough.

          B. Fail to plan a normal transition.

          C. Introduction might tell what is in the passage.

          D. Teacher forgets to give some questions to look for.

          E. Questions are not on the age level of the class.

          F. Questions are not related to the lesson aim.

          G. Too many questions are given.


Making the Lesson Personal

1. A Difficult Task

          A. Two approaches

                    a] General approach - Teach truths, let pupil apply that truth to their life.

                    b] Specific approach - Have a specific aim

          B. Reasons why the general approach is inadequate

                    a] Knowledge is not practice

                    b] Understanding is not application.

2. Unguided Application

          A. The problem of meaning

                    a] "Poor in Spirit"

                    b] What will have to change in my life?

          B. The problem of relationship

                    a] "Turn the other cheek."

                    b] "Love they neighbor as thyself."

                    c] How does that apply on my job, at school?

          C. The problem of prejudice

                    a] "Don't confuse me with facts, my mind is already made up."

                    b] We always approach a verse with some prejudice about what it means or how it applies to my life.

          D. The problem of information

                    a] Foot washing

                    b] "Troubled water" at pool of Bethesda (Jn. 5:4)

          E. The problem of personal and social pressure

                    a] Conflict between "flesh and spirit"

                    b] Peer pressure = more than a teen problem

          F. The problem of complex situations

                    a] Many issues are not "black or white"

                    b] Unplug the life-support machine?

                    c] Return coins in phone booth or Coke machine?

                    d] What is gambling? What is not?

                    e] "The individual hears a certain teaching and applies it to the areas in which he is already following it but fails to apply it in other areas."

                    f] "If the individual thinks of some areas in which he is not practicing a certain teaching, the likelihood is that he will rationalize his position to himself and remain of the same mind."

3. How to make the Lesson Personal

          A. Use life situations

                    a] From YOUR life

                    b] Ask for stories from THEIR lives

                    c] Use current events in the news

          B. Principles involved

                    a] Realistic situation

                    b] Two courses of action are presented

                    c] Does not have to be a true story, but possible



Securing Carry-Over

1. Plan for carry-over

          A. Involves two things:

                    a] A decision by the class - What should be done?

                    b] A plan for definite action

2. Members make their own suggestions

          A. Your ideas will not be as successful as theirs.

          B. Keep in mind three things:

                    a] Teacher makes plans for a certain response

                    b] Allow class to suggest ways to respond

                    c] Response must be meaningful to the learner

3. This is the key to the success of the class



A Lesson Plan

1. Practical aids in lesson preparation

          A. Have a definite time for study

          B. Have a definite place to study

          C. Have the materials needed for study

2. A simplified lesson plan

          A. What is my aim for this quarter?

          B. What is my aim for this month?

          C. What is my aim for this lesson?

                    a] Type of aim: Knowledge, Inspiration, Conduct

                    b] Meet tests: Brief, Clear, Specific

          D. Introduction

                    a] Capture interest

                    b] Transition to Bible reading

                    c] What to look for in this text

          E. Development of the lesson

                    a] Materials to use

                    b] Questions to ask

                    c] Problems to pose for class to solve

                    d] Methods of teaching to use

          F. Make lesson personal

          G. Secure carry-over

3. Sample lesson plans


Lesson Plan for Conduct Response

          1. Aim for quarter or unit:



          2. Lesson aim:



          3. Securing purposeful Bible study:

                    A. To secure interest:



                    B. Transition:



                    C. What to look for or note as Bible is read:



          4. Developing the lesson:  (Use only that material which will contribute to the achieving of your aim.)



          5. Making the lesson personal:



          6. Securing carry-over:  (Be specific - lead to definite plans.)



Lesson Plan for Knowledge Aim

          1. Scripture to be studied:



          2. Specific knowledge to be taught: (outline major facts)



          3. Stimulating interest:



          4. Studying the Scriptures:



          5. Review of major ideas:



          6. Assignments for next week:



          7. Work to be done on project for quarter (lesson):



Lesson Plan for Inspiration Aim

          1. Aim for quarter (or unit):



          2. Aim for lesson:



          3. Secure attention and interest:



          4. Developing the lesson:



          5. Conclusion:



4. Time allocated to each division

          A. Take out roll, news, settle-in time, etc.

          B. Typical - 30 minutes of actual teaching time

                    a] Securing purposeful Bible study - 6 minutes

                    b] Developing the lesson - 12 minutes

                    c] Making the lesson personal - 7 minutes

                    d] Securing carry-over - 5 minutes



Testing Our Teaching

1. Teaching will be tested by:

          A. The choices they make in their lives

          B. Other people - boss, friends, parents

          C. Class members - peer pressure

          D. Final test: God tests the teaching (Judgment Day)

2. Various Types of Written Tests

          A. True - False

          B. Completion

          C. Matching questions

          D. Multiple choice

3. Areas in which testing may be done

          A. Bible knowledge

          B. Comprehension tests

          C. Attitudes tests

          D. Choice tests

          E. Conduct and character tests

4. Startling lack of Bible knowledge requires that we test

          A. Bible knowledge test - First man, author of Psalms, name 4 gospels, name 1st 5 books of Bible, etc.

          B. Average score was 35%.

5. The need for better methods of teaching demand testing

          A. Are our present methods working?

          B. What methods are effective / ineffective?


The Importance of the Teacher

1. "The teacher may teach little by what he says; he teaches more by what he does, but most by what he is." (pg. 224)

2. The teacher must examine his own Christianity

          A. Checking myself as a teacher

          Rate yourself as Excellent, Very good, Good, Fair, Poor

                              Check - Up                                 Rating

                    a] Regular in attendance

                    b] On time

                    c] Early preparation of lesson

                    d] Contact with members of class

                    e] Seek to improve methods

                    f] Daily Bible study

                    g] Daily devotions

                    h] Plan to improve teaching

                    g] Growing in faith and conviction

          B. Improving my weak points

This Is My Weakest Point

With God's Help I Will Improve

          March ___________________     September _______________

          April ___________________        October _________________

          May _____________________    November ________________

          June ____________________     December ________________

          July ____________________       January _________________

          August __________________      February ________________

          One year from today, I will be a better teacher because I will have made the following changes in my life:





                    Signed _____________________________



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