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A Life of Trust

Proverbs 3:5-6



1.   Trust is the basis for lasting relationships.

2.   Our fellowship with God is based on trust.


The Command: Trust in the Lord

1.   Trust and faith

2.   In whom do I want to trust?


The Force: With all your heart

1.   Trust is a matter of degrees.

2.   With all your heart = full, complete


The Prohibition: Lean not on you own understanding

1.   Does your thinking make more sense than God’s command?

2.   God’s wisdom is far above our wisdom.


The Requirement: Acknowledge Him

1.   How do you acknowledge Him?

2.   In ALL our ways


The Reward: He will direct your path

1.   Why do I need God’s direction?

2.   How does God provide direction?



1.   Our submission to God = our trust in Him

2.   If we trust God, we will do what He says.

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