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The Moon God: Is Allah the God of the Bible?
1 John 2:23

  1. You will have heard it said “we all worship the same God” or “the God of the Bible is the same God as Allah”. Another popular saying is “the three great Abrahamic faiths (or religions), which are Judaism, Christianity and Islam”.
  2. These are presented as the three great monotheistic religions. So where does this idea come from? It is certainly not from the Bible. It is Islam.
  3. Our secular leaders spout this, liberal religious leaders spout this but when someone makes these statements, even if out of ignorance, they are preaching pure Islam.
  4. In Islam a good Jew or Christian is a Muslim, they have converted to the Islamic faith. If a Muslim converts to Christianity they are apostate, and even in the West risk dying for their new faith.
  5. The question is justified, if we all worship the same God, why do Muslims who convert to Christianity in Muslim countries face death for apostasy?


Why the claim the same God

  1. Descend from Abraham
  2. Claim to worship the God of Abraham (they do not claim Isaac or Jacob)
  3. They teach strict moral code
  4. Just a different name – Jehovah or Allah


Do we find Allah in the Bible?

  1. Yes we do! The Moon god crescent (as seen on Mosques and Muslim flags worldwide),
  2. In the KJV Bible is translated as ‘ornament’. USE NKJV HERE!
  3. Brown, Driver, Briggs (Thayer of the Hebrew OT)
    שׂהרן  śahărôn
    BDB Definition: 1) moon, crescent  1a) as ornament
    Part of Speech: noun masculine
  4. Judges 8:21
  5. Judges 8:26
  6. Isaiah 3:18
  7. In the Bible, the Crescent Moon god is false and spoken against.
  8. Is this the same crescent as used by Muslims today? Yes, there is no historical break and Muslims must give an account why they are using a false idol, going back to the time of false pagan Sabean worship (worship of Sun and Moon).
  9. Exodus 20:4
  10. The Sabean worship of the Moon and Sun goes back to Babel, It was a problem for Job
  11. Job 31:26-28 For Job to be enticed by the Moon he would have denied God!
  12. Lunar or Lucina are the Latin names for the Moon as a female deity, Lunus is the male name showing the hermaphrodic nature of the Moon god. The ancients believed the moon could affect people’s actions; hence we get our word ‘lunatic’ and ‘lunacy’.
  13. Islam is fatalistic in the same way ‘as al-Lah wills’. In its crescent form it is the lunette. In Arabia he was a male god, elsewhere a female goddess.
  14. Romans 1:20

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