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The Indwelling Spirit


  1. Much confusion and discussion about the indwelling of the Spirit

  2. 3 Alternatives

    1. Immediate (direct)

    2. Indirectly

    3. Not at all

Discuss each

  1. Immediate indwelling

    1. Define – to dwell in one apart from any means

    2. This is the view of Calvinism – Direct operation of the HS

    3. Calvin taught that faith was only produced by the Holy Spirit. He taught there is no other way (like the Bible) for one to obtain faith.

      1. Total depravity – unable to obey God

      2. Unconditional election – God chose who should be saved and lost

      3. Limited atonement – Jesus only died for the elect

      4. Irresistible grace – if elected you can not not be saved

      5. Perseverance of the saints – Once saved, always saved

    4. This view also leads to –

      1. What does He do?

      2. What is the advantage of His indwelling?

  2. No Indwelling

    1. Franklin Camp took this view – The indwelling refers to the miraculous powers of the apostles and early church. When these gifts ended, so did the indwelling Spirit

    2. Sometimes we take an extreme to avoid an extreme.

    3. Amos 5:19 – flee a lion and meet a bear

  3. The Bible Teaching

    1. Galatians 4:6-7

    2. Romans 8:9-11

    3. 1 Corinthians 6:19

    4. Galatians 3:14

    5. Acts 2:38

    6. Acts 5:32

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