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TITLE: Doctrines of Devils

TEXT: 1 Timothy 4:1-3

PROPOSITION: We must be alert for those who would teach false doctrines.


KEY WORD: Doctrines



1. Paul fortold of apostasy - departure from NT teachings.

2. Today, we must be on guard of seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.

3. I want to disucss some of these doctrines of devils.


1. Saying the Bible teaches a thing does not make it true.

            A. Saved by grace alone.   Eph. 2:8

            B. Cannot fall from grace.               Gal. 5:4

            C. We speak in tongues.                1 Cor. 13:8-13


2. Saying that scholars agree on a certain belief does not make it true.

            A. Nicodemus - “A master in Israel” = scholar - did not understand.

            B. Matthew 11:25 - hidden from wise, revealed unto babes

            C. 1 Cor. 1:25 Foolishness of God is wiser than men


3. Saying that a verse proves a certain point does not make it true.

            A. Matt. 4:6 - Devil quoted scripture.

            B. Many take a verse out of context - mishandling of text

            C. Scriptures can be twisted - 2 Peter 3:16 “wrested”


4. Saying that a thing is right because it feels right does not make it true.

            A. “Truth” can be defined as “seeing a thing as God sees it”

            B. Romans 3:3-4

            C. Some reject the teaching of marriage, worship, etc.

            D. Song - How can it be wrong when it feels so right?


5. Saying a thing is unreasonable because it does not make sense to you does not make it true..

            A. Naaman did not want to dip 7 times in Jordan.

            B. Looking at a brass snake on a pole does not make medical sense.

            C. Baptism may not make sense to you.


6. Saying a thing is right because it attracts many people does not make it true.

            A. Matt. 7:13-14 - Majority will follow broad way to destruction

            B. Moses warned against following the multitude - Ex. 23:2

            C. Solos, guitars, dancing, - appeals to many people - not to God.


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