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True Confessions

Romans 10:9-10


  1. Magazines in checkout line

  2. True Confessions – mostly fabricated OR

  3. A shame to speak of – Ephesians 5:12

  4. Confession – 2 uses in NT

    1. Confess sins – James 5:16

    2. Confess faith – Romans 10:9-10

  5. Today we will focus on the confession of faith.

A true confession is:

  1. A public declaration of an inner conviction

    1. Romans 10:9-10

    2. Large crowd or just one or two? Acts 8

  2. Recognition that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God

    1. John 8:24

    2. How would you answer Jesus question – Matthew 16:15

  3. A personal pledge of allegiance to Jesus

    1. Jesus is LORD – master, ruler, one in control and in charge

    2. Matthew 28:18

    3. Philippians 2:10-11 – confess NOW or LATER

  4. A step on the road to salvation

    1. Romans 10:9-10 – unto = toward, in the direction of

    2. Matthew 16:16-17

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