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    A. Now that the season for giving is over, is it now the season for returning gifts?
    B. “Regifting or regiving is the act of taking a gift that has been received and giving it to somebody else, sometimes in the guise of a new gift.” -Wikipedia
    C. Gift giving is an age old tradition. It is a sign of honor, respect, appreciation and/or love.
    D. Gen. 3; Heb. 11:4 Abel’s offering to God is called “gifts” in Hebrews 11:4.
    E. In Gen. 25:6 Abraham gave gifts to his sons.
    F. Mat. 2:1-11 The wise men from the east brought gold, frankincense, and myrrh as gifts to Jesus.
    G. Mat. 7:11 Jesus spoke of parents who give good gifts to their children, and God who is more able to give good gifts.
    H. Jam. 1:17 God is the giver of every good and perfect gift.

    A. Jn. 3:16 Your Father in heaven has given a gift far more precious than you deserve.
    B. Titus 2:14 This that God has given provides redemption from every lawless deed. It is a pardon.
    C. Rom. 5:15-17 God’s gift of Jesus Christ no only frees a person from sin, but also provides justification.
    D. Rom. 5:21 This gift not only provides righteousness, it also provides eternal life through Jesus Christ.
    E. Rom. 6:23 Each sinner is deserving of death. But God gives the gift of eternal life to you through Jesus Christ.

    A. Rom. 10:14-15 Sharing the good news of peace and glad tidings of good things is a most precious gift you can share.
    B. Jn. 6:32-33, 50, 51; Mat. 25:35 We are to share the Eternal bread with those who are hungry.
    C. Jn. 4:14; Mat. 25:35 If you have been given the gift of living water, is it wise to hoard that water for only yourself, or should you share it with others who may be thirsty?
    D. Acts 8:4 The early Christians believed in regifting God’s eternal gift of salvation in Jesus Christ.
    E. Eph. 2:8 Someone gave you a most precious gift when they shared with you the gift of Jesus Christ. It is now time for you to regift that gift to someone who needs it.
    F. 2 Cor. 9:15 Let us give thanks to God for His indescribable gift! “Indescribable” is from anekdiēgētos and means that it is impossible for man’s words to fully describe.

By Steve Vice

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