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Making Christianity Attractive

Titus 2:10 – adorn the doctrine of God


  1. A model showing a new line of clothing

  2. Sell a car – wax, shine, clean, shine the wheels

  3. Show people having a good time – not laying in the gutter, hungery children, wrecked autos, broken lives, divorce, etc.

  4. Restaurant menu – pictures of food you will never see at your table

  5. Christianity

    1. We have the truth – in the Bible

    2. Why do many lose their appetite for study?

We can make Christianity Attractive by:

  1. Good works

    1. Egg Hunt

    2. Trunk or Treat

    3. Pantry for Potter CH

    4. Vacation Bible School

  2. Love one another

    1. John 13:34

    2. John 15:17

    3. 1 Thessalonians 4:9

  3. Speech

    1. Colossians 4:6

    2. Ephesians 4:29, 32

  4. Unity

    1. John 17:20-21

  5. Peace of mind

    1. Philippians 4:7

  6. Practice what we preach

    1. Hypocrite?

    2. Do others see Christ in your life?

    3. Acts 4:13

  7. Dedication to Christ

    1. Nothing can stop this cause

    2. We will do what it takes for advancement

  8. Constant – the same in season and out of season

    1. 2 Timothy 4:1-2


  1. We have the product

  2. Let us serve it in clean, dedicated, wholesome lives

  3. What does your menu look like?

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