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TITLE: Why Not?
TEXT: Daniel 3:15-18
PROPOSITION: Bowing to the image cannot be justified.
KEY WORD: Justifications


  1. The story of the 3 Hebrew boys and the fiery furnace is familiar.

  2. There is, however, a question that many have asked.

  3. Could they bow (in body) and not worship (in spirit, mind)?


There are many similar examples

  1. In the early church – persecution for not pinching incense to Caesar

  2. Death for not saying the words, “Caesar is Lord.”

  3. Three views were common in the early church:

    1. Remain loyal at all cost, refuse to give in and do wrong

    2. Pinch the incense, say the words, but don’t mean them (lie for greater good)

    3. Living is better than dead – Worship the image, no harm done.

  4. Why not just give in?


What if ---

Communism Controlled us – Russia or China

  1. In Russia – owning a Bible was a death sentence

  2. Gathering for prayer and worship – forbidden

  3. What would you do? Would you remain faithful to God?

Islam Ruled Us

  1. Can you imagine if Iraq or Ben Laden should conquer the USA?

  2. Command all to be loyal to Allah, obey the Koran

  3. What would you do? How could you remain loyal?

ACLU succeeds in court cases

  1. Eliminate God from all public statements, display

  2. Not on coins, in pledge, songs, on radio, advertise on newspaper

  3. Not own property, not meet in homes, not have prayer meetings

  4. What would you do? (Already happening in some places)

            Here is the view of these young men

  1. No need to argue about this – 16

  2. God is able to deliver us – 17

  3. If God does not deliver us; still refuse to worship the image – 18

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