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When Life Tumbles In

(Psalm 119:25-32)


Intro: What do you do when life tumbles in? Do you: Give up and quit? Become angry with God for allowing it to happen?

Stubbornly grit your teeth & try to pull yourself up by your boot-straps?

The writer of Psa.119 had more than his share of troubles, but he appears to have handled them in a most admirable way.

Let’s study vv. 25-32 to see what we can learn about dealing w/ the setbacks in life.


I. How the Psalmist Felt

A. My soul clings to the dust (v.25)

B. My soul melts from heaviness, v.28

C. Have you ever felt like this? “Enough already! I’m at the end of my rope! I can’t take any more!”


II. What the Psalmist Did

A. Put his life in God’s hands, v.26

B. “I have chosen the way of truth” v.30a

C. “I cling to Your testimonies” v.31

III. Blessings the Psalmist Requested & Anticipated

A. Be revived & strengthened, vv. 25, 28

B. Continued communion w/ God, vv. 26, 27

C. Be kept from evil, v.29

D. Not be put to shame, v.31

Concl: When life tumbles in, be assured that you have a Heavenly Father who will listen & respond.

Put your life in His hands; choose the way of truth; cling to God’s testimonies.

God will revive & strengthen you; you will enjoy continued fellowship with Him; He will keep you from evil; and you will not be put to shame.

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