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They say plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery… If so, I am exceedingly guilty! So, I post the following sermon originally done by Jeffrey W. Hamilton, but modified from its original form by me” Tom Sutherland
And I modified and tweaked the outline from Tom Sutherland. Manly Luscombe

Why Pray for the Sick?

James 5:16


  1. When we study closely the NT scriptures, we find that there was a definite purpose in God’s mind for the miracles recorded there

    1. To reveal truth – John 16:13

    2. To confirm truth

      1. God shows His agreement with the speaker’s words – Heb 2:3-4

      2. Confirmed the word spoken – Mark 16:20

      3. Jesus was attested by God through miracles – Acts 2:22

    3. Miracles were not done for the miracle’s sake alone

  2. These purposes were obviously accomplished by the time the NT was written – Jude 3

  3. Paul had said that the miraculous gifts would end – 1 Cor 13:9-13

  4. Yet, some confusion occurs in the minds of some when we read passages such as – James 5:13-16

    1. If miracles have ceased, then doesn’t this command only apply to the 1st century Christians?

    2. Why call on the elders?

    3. Why should we pray for the sick?

First, most Misunderstand What Is Truely A Miracle

  1. People Use Miracles In Too Broad Of A Sense Today

    1. It’s a miracle!!” someone says when someone escapes without a scratch from an accident in which their car was totaled (The car is still destroyed and they have to buy a new one…)

    2. It’s a miracle!!” someone else says when a loved one recovers from a complex surgery in which only one in ten survive. (They still have to endure months of rehabilitation before they are fully recovered…)

    3. There is a difference between a miracle and God’s providence working through natural means

  2. Miracles In The NT

    1. Were feats that man could not accomplish on their own

    2. Were instantaneous

  3. Consider The Man Born Lame – Acts 3:1-11

    1. Notice there was no recovery period involved.

    2. If a man, lame from birth, were healed by our technology today, there would be months - probably years - involved building the man’s muscle strength and even learning how to coordinate his limbs to walk, let alone leaping around like he was!

    3. And, there was NO question that the miracle occurred, even by nonbelievers – Acts 4:14-16

  4. The Raising Of Tabitha By Peter – Acts 9:36-42 We cannot restore life like Peter did

  5. The Raising Of Eutychus By Paul – Acts 20:9-12 We cannot restore life like Paul did

  6. Pronouncing A Curse – Acts 13:8-12 We cannot take sight away by word alone

James Does Not Indicate That Miracles Are Involved – James 5:13-16

  1. Prayer For The Sick

    1. When we pray for a loved one and they recover, it is a sign that God has heard and answered our prayers, but it is not a miracle!

    2. There is still recovery time

    3. Their health is not restored instantaneously

  2. Well, The Elders Had Miraculous Gifts During The First Century”

    1. True, some elders had some gifts.

    2. But all Christians did not have all gifts. – 1 Cor 12:4-11

    3. In fact, not all Christians had gifts! And especially, all Christians did not have the gift of healing – 1 Cor 12:28-30

    4. Nowhere in the list of qualification for elders is there a requirement that God had given them the gift of healing. In fact, having miraculous gifts was not a requirement for eldership – 1 Tim 3:1-7; Tit 1:5-9

  3. Miracles In James 5:13-16?

    1. To claim that miracles were involved here is simply an unfounded assumption

    2. Notice the context of the passage!

      1. Does it take a miracle for prayer to ease suffering?

      2. Does it take a miracle for song to spread cheerfulness?

      3. Does it take a miracle to be forgiven of your sins?

The point of james 5:13-16

  1. James Is Talking About The Power Of Prayer!

    1. Prayer can accomplish much more than we think when it is done by a believer, one who truly believes that God listens to His children!!

    2. When we ask “in faith, with NO doubting” – James 1:6 God HEARS and answers that prayer!!

    3. We MUST trust Him to answer it His way, but we MUST trust Him!!!

    4. We MUST have faith in Him to answer it as He has promised He would – 1 John 3:22

  2. The Effective, Fervent Prayer Of A Righteous Man Avails Much” – James 5:16

    1. The proof? – James 5:17-18

    2. Well, that is because God wanted it to happen”

    3. Of course it was!

      1. All prayer is answered in accordance to God’s will!

      2. If what we ask for is NOT in accordance to His will, it ISN’T going to happen!!

      3. But reverse that thought…Would the drought have come if Elijah did not pray???

    4. If We Ask According To His Will, He Will Hear – 1 John 5:14-15

    5. God Listens To The Prayers Of The Righteous – 1 Pet 3:12

    6. Our Prayers Give Glory To God For His Great Mercy On Us And Those We Pray For

      1. We pray for healing, knowing that there are NO discernible miracles preformed today

      2. We pray for healing, knowing that any healing will proceed in what to us is a natural progression of events

      3. We pray for healing, knowing that those we pray for may not be healed just because it is our desire

      4. We pray for healing, knowing that sometimes God DOES change His mind about the course of events – 2 Kings 20:1-7

    7. The Time Of Miraculous Gifts Has Ended, But God Has Not Ceased To Work In Our LivesRom 8:27-28


  1. Too many Christians seem to lack the kind of faith to completely trust God’s promises!

  2. They seem to no longer trust in the power of their own prayers!

  3. We cannot let that happen in our lives!!! – James 1:2-7

  4. If we aren’t confident God hears us, we MUST repent!!!

  5. If we aren’t confident God will answer our prayers, WHY ARE WE PRAYING THEM????

  6. If we are confident we have a relationship with the Almighty God in Christ Jesus, then let us be “bold” in approaching God with our prayers and petitions! – Heb 4:14-16

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