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My Baptism

  1. We often place emphasis on baptism

  2. It is what separates us from many denominations

  3. Let me tell you about “my baptism.”

    1. Church was renting a lodge hall

    2. Went to another town – 20 miles away

    3. Baptistry was not heated, under the pulpit platform

    4. In March, in Michigan – still cold

My Baptism was:

  1. A one time event

    1. Some are re-baptized because – too young, wrong reason

    2. Baptism is not repeated each time we sin or do wrong

    3. After baptism we repent and pray for God to forgive us

    4. Acts 8:20, 22, 24

    5. If the sin harms the church / public sin – we ask for forgiveness from church

  2. Based on my faith

    1. Not the preacher, my parents, my family members

    2. My personal faith in Jesus – I decided to follow Jesus

    3. Acts 8:36-37

    4. Mark 16:16

  3. After my confession of faith

    1. Faith is in our mind

    2. Faith must become active – visible

    3. Confess that you are now a believer

      1. Romans 10:9-10

      2. Matthew 10:32-33

  4. A burial in water

    1. Colossians 2:12 – buried in baptism

    2. Romans 6:4 – buried with Him in baptism

    3. John 3:23 – much water

    4. going down into the water

    5. burial in water

    6. coming up out of the water

  5. For the remission of sins

    1. Acts 2:38

    2. Acts 22:16

    3. 1 Peter 3:21

  6. Required the blood of Jesus

    1. 1 John 5:6

    2. John 19:34

    3. Ephesians 1:7

    4. Revelation 1:5

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