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Looking for Loopholes


A loophole is an ambiguity in a system, such as a law or security, which can be used to circumvent or otherwise avoid the intent, implied or explicitly stated, of the system. Loopholes are searched for and used strategically in a variety of circumstances, including taxes, elections, politics, the criminal justice system, or in breaches of security.

Historically, arrow slits were narrow vertical windows from which castle defenders launched arrows from a sheltered position, and were also referred to as "loopholes".[1] Thus a loophole in a law often contravenes the intent of the law without technically breaking it, much as the small slit window in a castle wall provides the only ready means of gaining entry without breaching or destroying the wall or a gate. For example, in some places, one may avoid paying taxes to the jurisdiction by forming a second residence in another location, or a commercial property can be built in a residential zone if it is made also for residential use.[citation needed]


  1. Attendance – Number of services to attend – only Sunday AM, PM? Wednesday? Meetings?

  2. MDR – Many look for some escape clause in the New Testament.

  3. For in Act 2:38 – Change “for” into because of

  4. Thief on the cross – we don't need baptism, thief wasn't baptized

  5. Not forbidden - “The Bible does not say not to _______ .” I want to – smoke, gamble, abortion, premarital sex, instrumental music – Good for anything we want to justify.

  6. No command – “The Bible does not say I have to __________ .” Good for anything we don't want to do – communion every Sunday, Wednesday night attendance, Read the Bible every day, worship in a building,

  7. Salvation – Death bed confession, thief on the cross, on the way to be baptized and have a heart attack

  8. Grace – Saved by faith only through grace, Saved by grace omits any obedience on our part. “We do not contribute one whit to our salvation.” Rubel Shelley

  9. Hell – God will change His mind about judgment / hell – and allow everyone into heaven

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