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Discipline Followup


  1. Recent study on Wednesday night – good study – covered the topic

  2. This sermon is to summarize WHO, show exemption and expand the WHAT punishment?

    1. Summarize – Who can be disciplined

    2. Exemption – How often misused

    3. Expand – How they are disciplined

Who can be disciplined?

  1. We have already studied a long list of specific sins the Bible mentions

  2. I want to summarize this long list into 3 categories

    1. Moral – 1 Corinthians 5

    2. Doctrinal – 2 John 9-11

    3. Trouble-maker – Romans 16:17

      1. Cause division

      2. Stir up dissent, gossip, busybody, talebearer

      3. Rebellion, disrupt the fellowship

Exemption – the misunderstood / mis-application – attendance

  1. Church membership is – voluntary – choose to be, choose not to be

  2. If one stops attending – they have already “withdrawn themselves”

  3. Court case in Colorado

What is the punishment?

  1. The area that is most confusing to many – How to treat the offender

    1. Can we eat in the same restaurant? At the same table? Play golf?

    2. When can we NOT have any association with them?

    3. What is the “punishment” in church discipline?

  2. Focus on “Fellowship”

    1. Define

      1. Partner, share in common, joint participation

      2. More than eat together in “fellowship room”

      3. Our fellowship is “spiritual” - in the church, relation to Christ

    2. Can't take away what they don't have

      1. Can't take away driving privilege from 3 yr. Old

      2. If we don't have “fellowship” - there is nothing to lose

    3. Remove fellowship means:

      1. Not recognized as a member – church directory

      2. Not participate in worship, teach class, men's meeting

      3. Things are not the same as they were

    4. What we MUST do:

      1. Tell them you wish they would repent and come back

      2. Encourage them to talk about their position and why wrong

      3. They are a “heathen” / but also a “brother”

      4. Admonish = correct, urge to change

    1. Other questions

      1. If a family member – they are still part of your blood family

      2. If see them on the street – speak, admonish, encourage

      3. Can they still attend here? Yes. Speak to them, encourage them

      4. If you work with or for them – they are still your boss

      5. How do we communicate our action to other congregations?

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