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TITLE: Defense of the Faith

TEXT: 2 Timothy 4:1-2

PROPOSITION: We must defend the faith.


KEY WORD: Defenders


1. Phil. 1:17 set for the defense of the gospel

2. Jude 3 contend earnestly for the faith

3. Acts 20:27 declare the whole counsel of God

4. 2 Tim. 4:3 some will not endure sound doctrine

1. Some will never appreciate the truth.

Atheists Unwilling to listen or consider

Stop their ears, don't want to hear

2. Others will preach SOME truth.

Phil. 1:12-18 preach truth for wrong motive

Virgin birth, Existence of God, Inspiration of Bible

Death, burial, resurrection - of Christ

Faith, repentance

3. Some matters NO ONE else defends.

One body Eph. 4:4; 1 Cor. 12:20

Plan of salvation - Baptism, burial, for rem. of sins

Music approved of God - Col. 3:16; Eph. 5:19

Organization of local cong. - Phil. 1:1; Titus 1:5

4. Many fail to defend the truth.

Find a congregation where no error is taught - BUT:

Are they defending truth?

Nothing being taught? offer invitation?

No food poison in hardware store

BUT: Is the truth being taught?

The problem is not over emphasis in any area -

RATHER it is under emphasis in others.

5. What must we do?

Elders must be watchmen Ezek. 33; Heb. 13:17

Preachers must preach whole counsel of God

Teachers - What is taught? Literature?

Members - Be instilled with a love for truth

Matt. 5:6 hunger and thirst after righteousness

1 Pet. 2:2 desire the sincere milk of the word

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