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Jesus Emptied Himself

Philippians 2:6-8


  1. Particular attention has been paid to these words.
  1. Form 2:6a who, though he was in the form of God; 7b taking the form of a servant,

  2. Equality 2:6b did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped

  3. Made 2:7b born in the likeness of men (ESV)

  4. Emptied 2:7a but emptied himself (ASV, NASB, NRSV) made himself nothing (NIV, ESV)

  5. Likeness 2:7c being born in the likeness of men

  6. fashion (KJV) 2:8 being found in human form

Look in the Microscope

  1. All words are clear – easy to understand (Greek and English)

  2. This passage is talking about Jesus Christ.

  3. Main question – Was Jesus fully divine, part divine / part human, or fully human?

The Words Examined

  1. Form (Morphe) – outward appearance – Mark 16:12

  2. Robbery – (error of translation) – most say “did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped.”

  3. Emptied – (kenoo) – to empty – All 5 NT uses are figurative – made void, made nothing, made of no value, to lower or reduce

  4. Made or become – Mark 1:7 – become fishers of men

  5. Likeness – to show a likeness in some aspect – Romans 6:5

  6. Fashion (schema) – manner, character, figure, form – 1 Corinthians 7:31

Back away from the microscope

  1. Sometimes we look too close and can't see the message

  2. Can't see the forest for all the trees in the way

  3. What does Paul want the Philippians to understand and do?

    1. Have the mind of Christ – verse 5

    2. Focus on the cross – verses 9-11

  4. This section is not about the birth of Jesus – it is about His death for us – 8

    1. Humbled Himself

    2. Obedient unto death

    3. Death of the cross

  5. They must understand the sacrifice, suffering, and exalted state of Christ – 9-11


  1. The “emptying” here is the lowering to become human, subject to death

  2. He was over the angels, now in submission to human weakness and death


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