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TITLE: The Mess We's In


PROPOSITION: The current situation among churches of Christ calls for a warning.


KEY WORD: Issues


  1. Definition of “status quo” - The mess we's in.

  2. If you have been a member of the church for very long – you are aware of some shift and dramatic change.

  3. The issues today – did not exist 50 years ago.

  4. Because of deep concern – I point out some reasons for the mess we's in

Biblical Illiteracy

  1. Bible toters and Bible quoters” - not so true today

  2. Preachers and teachers teach more how to live, how to get along, how to be happy

  3. VBS and Bible class – more time is spent in play, coloring, working puzzles

  4. Less emphasis on facts, knowledge, memory work, drills

    1. Not many know the books of the Bible, NT, OT, Plan of salvation (with a text for each), worship (with a text for each), Names of apostles, Names of tribes of Israel

    2. Not many know who preached the sermon on the mount

Rejection of the Restoration Plea

  1. Many are now teaching that the restoration plea is not valid

  2. If we believe, teach, practice, obey, worship – as they did – we will be what they were – New Testament Christians

  3. The fact that in some ways we are not exactly like them – zeal, spirit, missionary fervor, power of prayer

  4. We also need to understand the changes in culture, advances in technology (cars, airplanes, radio, TV, internet) and time make our world different than the first century


  1. 1 John 2:15-17

  2. Years ago – This was about drinking, smoking, dancing, partying

  3. Now – the issue is attitude, values, morals

  4. We must be IN the world, but NOT OF the world

  5. When we allow the thinking, mindset, and attitudes of the world to control us – problem

  6. Many have bought into the values, morals, priorities of the world

Failure of leadership

  1. The church is facing two leadership issues today:

    1. A lack of courage – leaders must stand up, protect the truth, keep church pure

    2. A lack of qualified men – divorce, lack of conviction, not willing to serve

  2. In Joshua 1 – Courage is the main message

  3. Joshua 1:6; 1:9; 1:18

Teaching of “Cheap Grace”

  1. Grace is God's part of salvation

  2. Obedience = man's part of salvation

  3. Today – many are ignoring the obedience part

  4. Many are teaching that grace covers all sins – automatically

  5. Abuse of 1 John 1:7 – blood keeps on cleansing us

The rise of “Post Modernism”

  1. Not many know what this is – not aware of the danger

  2. Basic tenant – There is no universal truth

  3. Truth for you may not be truth for me.

  4. In the past – we disagreed with denominations – but we could discuss and reason with them from scripture – many debates, books, discussions

  5. Not possible today – most denominational preachers reject the Bible as absolute truth

  6. The reject the Bible as absolute authority. The Bible says – They respond – So what?


From article in Magnolia Messenger, written by Jim Howard

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