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The point of many solemn warnings in the New Testament is that our privilege of participating in eternal life is directly dependent on our continuing to abide in Him in whom, alone, that life is available to men. It we fail to abide in Him, the eternal life continues; but our participation in that life ceases.

OT Examples

1.     Adam and Eve – put out of the Garden of Eden

2.     Cain – after killing Able

Statements of Jesus

1.     Parable of the Sower (Luke 8:11-15; esp. 13)

2.     Parable of the Unjust Steward (Luke 12:42-46)

3.     Parable of Forgiveness (Matthew 18:21-35)

4.     Vine and Branches (John 15:1-6)

Proof texts cited to support this doctrine

We will now examine some "proof texts" often given to teach and support the doctrine of eternal security. Notice two things are common in ALL of these passages:

A. The Present Active tense is used in all of these passages. This tense in the Greek language means an "action in progress". It is liner and durative. This means it is an action that is currently going on and continuing. (Example: I am walking.)

B. "If" statements (conditions) are used. Jesus establishes conditions on which the promises will be kept. These statements are not a privileged position, which once attained, are for ever irrevocable. The privilege is governed by specific conditions being present.

1.     John 10:27-29

2.     John 8:51

3.     John 8:12

4.     John 5:24

5.     John 1:12

6.     John 4:14

7.     John 3:3-6

8.     1 John 2:29-3:10

9.     2 Corinthians 1:21-22

Passages to notice

1.     1 Timothy 4:1

2.     1 Corinthians 15:1-4

3.     Colossians 1:21-23

4.     Hebrews 3:12

5.     Galatians 5:4

6.     Hebrews 12:15

7.     Hebrews 6:4-6

8.     2 Peter 2:20-22

Dangers We Face

This list could continue for a long time. There are many passages that warn of the danger of apostasy. While many members of the churches of Christ understand and defend the teaching that it is possible to lose the security in Christ, they are not convinced that they have any security in Christ.

1.     Possibility vs. Probability We have (and rightly so) argued the possibility of apostasy so strongly that many are afraid of the probability of it. There is no "Blessed Assurance" in many lives. My brethren do not "know for sure" if they would go to heaven when they die. They do not understand 1 John 5:13. Many flatly deny that we can know our eternal destiny.

2.     Salvation by works Many are still trying to work their way to heaven. Attend, pray, read the Bible, take communion, etc. Many do not understand (or accept) the grace of God for salvation. They reject Ephesians 2:8-10.Here is the problem: IF we are saved by saying prayers – How much prayer is enough? What if I forget one? What if I say three a day and God wanted four?

3.     Continued forgiveness There are many who do not understand or even reject the idea that God "continues to cleanse" us from sin. 1 John 1:7-10 is difficult for us to accept.


"The New Testament affirms that eternal life in Christ is our present possession only on the condition of present living faith, rather than as the irrevocable consequence of a moment's act of faith sometime in the past."

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