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Some wrong views:

  1. Not an allusion

    1. Mary Baker Eddy

    2. Claim it is all in the mind

  2. Because of sin

    1. Drunk – liver disease

    2. Not always the case

      1. Job

      2. Luke 13:1-5

      3. John 9:1-3

  3. God can’t help it

    1. Daniel 3:17

    2. Matthew 19:26

Some Answers:

  1. God limits Himself

    1. Hebrews 6:18 – can not lie

    2. James 1:13 – does not tempt man

    3. Hebrews 1:13 – not look on evil

  2. Nature of our universe

    1. Fire – cook or burn a house down

    2. Cars – travel or kill

    3. Steel – tall building or gun

  3. Rules are necessary

    1. Football

    2. In life also

  4. In suffering always evil?

    1. Are riches always good?

    2. Suffering can teach some lessons

      1. Child – fire is hot, don’t touch

      2. Sickness is a time to think

      3. Hebrews 12:6-11

      4. Psalm 119:71

    3. Suffering builds character

      1. Romans 8:28

    4. Others factors are involved

      1. Romans 14:7

      2. Drunk driver

      3. Gravity – fall off a balcony

    5. Looking toward heaven

      1. Revelation 21:4

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