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Why God Hates Divorce!

Malachi 2:10-16

Introduction: First, God does indeed hate divorce. He says so in Malachi 2:16. Second, God does not, however, hate divorced people. God’s love is extended to the sinner and the saint (John 3:16). Third, while God hates divorce, it is not by any means the only thing God hates (Proverbs 6:16).

Fourth, while God hates divorce, He does not forbid all divorce (Matthew 19:9). Therefore, why does God hate divorce?

  1. Because divorce violates His perfect plan for His highest creation. Marriage is for one man and one woman united permanently in a relationship of commitment. Divorce was never in the original blueprint for the home. Not only is this implied in the Genesis account, it is clearly stated by Jesus in Matthew 19:9. It is also made clear in our text.

  2. Because divorce involves the breaking of a covenant. The concept of a solemn covenant is at the heart of Malachi 2. There was a spiritual covenant between God and His people and that covenant served as the symbol for the marriage covenant. All marriages include the recitation of some kind of vows—statements and promises of mutual commitment before God and man.

  3. Because He loves people and does not want them to suffer the pain that divorce inevitably produces. Divorce, friends, is ugly. Even under the best of circumstances it causes great pain. When a husband and wife get married they become on flesh (Gen. 2:24; Matt. 19:6). That’s the essence of marriage. When a husband and wife get divorced that one flesh is torn apart. There’s no painless way to tear one’s flesh apart. God knows that, and that’s why He hates divorce.

  4. Because He loves children and children are devastated by divorce. Children are the silent victims of divorce. Children of divorce hurt when they are small, adolescents and even as adults. The scars left when mom and dad are bitter and angry or when one of them just abandons the family or even when one moves out of town are severe and sometimes never heal.

  5. Because God hates divorce, we should hate divorce and reject it as a solution to the trials we face in marriage. This does not address the person whose spouse is guilty of unrepentant adultery. Jesus addressed that situation in Matthew 5:31, 32 and 19:9 with specific instructions. But I am taking to those that view divorce as applicable to any and every trial in marriage. Psalm 119:104 says, “I hate every false way.”

Conclusion: Marriage is like a garden. Neglect it long enough and it will become a jungle, replete with lions, tigers and snakes; however, tend it well and it will produce a bountiful harvest of delicious fruit for a lifetime.

From Mark N. Posey

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