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Divine Providence in the Book of Esther


  1. Ahasuerus was the king of Persia

  2. It was a time of great peril. The nation of Israel was at stake.

  3. The book of Esther shows God's providence at work.

  4. Define – Providence – The preservation, care and government which God exercises over all things that He created, in order to accomplish the ends for which they were created.

  5. Providence does not employ miracles. God uses natural means to do His work.

  6. Some things may seem to be an accident or coincidence, but they may be providence.


  1. Ahasuerus, after coming home from conquering all of Asia, throws a rowdy and expensive party that lasts 104 days (1:1-8)

    1. When Ahasuerus had become drunken, he calls for his wife, who was very beautiful, to parade around in front of all those gathered (1:9-12)

    2. Evidently, Ahasuerus wanted his wife to parade around in front of these men naked, or near so, that they might see what a good figured woman he had.

    3. Vashti refused to be made a spectacle, and the king became very angry (1:12)

    4. It was decided that Vashti should be removed as queen as an example to all the woman of the land (1:13-22)

  2. Later, after Ahasuerus’ anger was pacified, he began to miss the company of a woman, and begins his search for a new queen (2:1-15)

    1. Virgin maidens are brought before the king, and Esther catches his eye.

    2. Esther is made queen instead of Vashti … Esther 2:17

  3. When Esther was queen, Mordecai uncovered a plot to kill the king (2:19-23)

    1. Esther tells the king on Mordecai’s behalf

    2. Mordecai’s deed was written in the king’s chronicle

  4. Haman is promoted to a high position in the kingdom and the king makes a decree that all show bow in reverence to him (3:1-2)

    1. Mordecai refuses to pay reverence (3:2)

    2. Haman thus hates all the Jews (3:6)

    3. Thus we see that Haman is proud and self-reliant

    4. Many are like Haman today, they will hate a whole race because of what one man did …. blacks, Irishman, etc.

  5. Haman goes to the king in order to get revenge (3:7-11)

    1. Esther 3:8-9

    2. He tells a lie… Esther 3:10-11

    3. A law established by the king could not be reversed

    4. This was possibly done to ensure that laws were not made haphazardly

    5. The extermination of the Jews is decreed (3:12-15)

    6. Haman said he would pay for this to be done out of his own pocket

    7. Esther 3:13

  6. There was a great mourning among the Jews (4:1-3)

    1. What would this extermination mean?

    2. All the promises to Abraham would become void

    3. The Messiah prophesies would fail

  7. Mordecai asks Esther to intercede (4:8)

    1. Esther give an excuse ….. Esther 4:11

    2. Esther 4:13-14

    3. Esther agrees to intercede (4:16) … “if I perish, I perish”

  8. Esther petitions the king (5:1-8)

    1. The king and Haman are invited to a banquet where Esther will make her request … the banquet occurs and Esther asks the king and Haman to come to another banquet where she will make her request

    2. In the mean time, Haman is on cloud nine, because he had a special invitation of the queen

    3. Esther 5:9

    4. Haman tells his friends and wife about all the great things that has been happening to him ….. Esther 5:13

    5. Esther 5:14 …. the answer to Haman’s problem?

  9. That night the king was unable to sleep and began to read from the king’s chronicles (6:1)

    1. He read where Mordecai had saved his life, and then asks if Mordecai had ever been honored? The servant said no.

    2. About that time Haman comes on to the scene

    3. Esther 6:6-9

    4. Total humiliation …. Haman must honor Mordecai .–Esther 6:12 …. but there is no time to regroup, for Haman is summoned to the second banquet

  10. At the second banquet, Esther reveals Haman’s plot (7:1-10)

    1. The king asks what Esther’s request is, then … Esther 7:3-6

    2. Esther 7:9-10

  11. Esther cries in behalf of her people because of the mischief of Haman (8:3)

    1. Ahasuerus, because no law could be reversed, gives Esther and Mordecai the authority to make a counter decree (8:8)

    2. The Jews are given the authority to resist their enemies (8:9-14) — The Jews are saved!!!


  1. The name of God is not mentioned anywhere in the whole book of Esther; and yet, He is seen throughout the whole book.

  2. Today, though we can not physically see God or any miracles,we see the results of His hand stretched out in providence.

  3. God’s working of providence

    1. Esther, a Jew, was queen at the right time and the right place – Mordecai believed this (4:14)

    2. Vashti was removed making room for Esther.

    3. Had Vashti not been a woman of integrity, things would have been a lot different

    4. There would have been no place for Esther

    5. Mordecai saves the king’s life and this is recorded in the king’s chronicles – who would later be exalted

    6. No Esther …. no saving the king’s life by Mordecai

    7. No drunken king … no Vashti … no Esther

    8. Then there was the king’s sleepless night

      1. Why couldn’t he sleep?

      2. Why did he just happen to read the record of Mordecai saving his life just before Haman came to see him?

      3. Mordecai and Esther were in the right position at the right time to make a counter decree to save the Jews.

  4. Did God have anything to do with all of this? I think so.

  5. Man plays a part in providence

    1. Faith

    2. Self-sacrifice


  1. God is working in our lives, as in Esther we may not hear His name; but He is there.

  2. Will you believe it?

  3. Will you act in harmony with it?

  4. Will you follow the Lord in obedience to His word.



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