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1 Corinthians 15:1-8

  1. Cartoon of 2 Roman soldiers at the tomb of Jesus, mug of tea in his hand, sun just rising.

  2. One says, “Cheer up, it's Sunday morning. As I see it, we have one more day guarding the tomb. By Monday the whole thing will blow over.”

  3. Many don't understand the importance of the resurrection of Christ.

Because of the resurrection - - -

  1. We have forgiveness – 15-17

    1. Some say that Jesus never really died.

    2. See below.

    3. When Jesus came from the tomb – the full sin debt had been paid.

  2. We have an eternal future – 19-20; 52-53

    1. We can be raised with a body like Jesus has

    2. This body is weak, wears out, breaks down

    3. But that is not the rest of the story.

  3. We be be courageous in our faith – 30-34

    1. What can stop one who believes he has eternal life?

    2. John 11:25 – I am resurrection and the life

    3. Romans 1:4 – proves He is the Son of God

  4. We can be fruitful

    1. Romans 6:4

    2. Ephesians 1:19-21

A letter sent to a preacher, “A man said to me that Jesus just fainted on the cross and that the disciples nursed him back to health. How do I answer him? Bewildered.”

The preacher responded, “Dear Bewildered, Beat this man with a cat-of-nine-tails with 39 heavy strokes, nail him to a cross; hang him in the sun for 6 hours; run a spear through his heart; warp him in a buial shroud; put him in an airless tomb for 36 hours and then ask him what he thinks about that stupid theory.”

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