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1 Peter 3:1-4; Titus 2:3-5

1.     Two passages about women and the home

2.     Titus 2:3-5 – keepers at home

3.     1 Peter 3:1-4 – What is husband is not a Christian? Is he the head of the house?

What if the husband is not a Christian?

1.     Headship was established – before the LOM or Christianity. (Genesis 3:16)

2.     Even if they do not obey God –

a.     Same principle applies to government – obey, submit

b.     One exception – if they violate a COMMAND of God

c.     NOTE: Not my feelings, desires, or opinion – but commands

3.     You can win them by the life of faith they see in you

4.     Can they see your chaste conduct?

a.     Chaste = clear, modest, clean, pure

b.     In NT 8 times – 4 times – pure, 3 chaste, 1 clear


1.     122 million adult women in USA

2.     72 million women work

3.     59.5% of adult women work

4.     77% of mothers of school age children work


1.     Strong feelings – less now than a few years ago

2.     Some feel the need to defend their work

Titus 2:3-5

1.     What does “keeper at home” mean?

2.     What does this phrase forbid, command, allow?

3.     What is the reason for this command?

Keepers at home

1.     Greek word – oikouras – guard, keeper

2.     NIV – busy at home

3.     ASV – workers at home

That the word of God be not blasphemed

1.     RSV – not be discredited

2.     NIV – not be maligned

3.     SEB – no one can say evil things about God’s message

4.     See also Romans 2:23-25

To work or not work – is not the issue

1.     One can work and violate Titus 2:5

2.     One can not work and violate Titus 2:5

Real Issue: Priority

1.     What takes higher priority?

a.     God              Matthew 6:33

b.     Spouse         Ephesians 5:21-33

c.     Children        Psalm 127:3; Ephesians 6:4

d.     Vocation       Colossians 3:22-25

e.     Service         Galatians 6:10

f.      Social / Recreational / Personal

2.     Sometimes our priorities get out of line

Keepers at Home

1.     Does not mean –

a.     Stay at home, don’t leave the house, don’t work

b.     Women should not be employed, own a business

2.     This passage does teach that –

a.     Family is more important

b.     Women should manage the affairs of the home

Arguments For and Against

1.     Arguments in favor of women working

a.     Financial income needed

b.     Security if marriage fails

c.     Don’t waste college training

d.     Keeps her mentally alert

e.     Keeps her appearance neat, attractive

2.     Arguments against women working

a.     Money becomes the determining factor

b.     Makes the wife independent

c.     Lessens interest in the home

d.     Mother’s influence and training is replaced by day care or sitter

e.     Fatigue leads to irritability and strain in the marriage

f.      “My money” vs. “our money”

g.     Scheduling problems – vacation, holidays, school out

h.     Limits involvement in church activities

There are some dangers to be aware of

1.     Male ego is fragile –

a.     She makes more money

b.     Works in a different social class (he in a factory, she an executive)

2.     Different circle of friends, associates

3.     How to share household duties


1.     In OT – Virtuous woman – Proverbs 31

2.     In NT – Lydia – Acts 16

3.     To work or not work – is not the issue

4.     To oversee, manage the affairs of the home is required

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