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TITLE: Retirement – Give Up, Quit or Change?

TEXT: Jeremiah 20:8-9
PROPOSITION: Retirement is a time of change.
KEY WORD: Involves


  1. Story of business man – in Mexico saw a man just fishing by river – You could get a boat, hire a crew, grow to a fleet of boats, invest profits, retire early – Why? Then you could relax and fish for fun – Doing that now!

  2. USA Today poll – 62% dream of early retirement

  3. Few actually retire early

  4. Retire = dictionary – 5 meanings

    1. Withdraw or go away to a place of privacy

    2. To go to bed

    3. To cease or withdraw from an office, occupation, or career

    4. To fall back or retreat, as from battle

    5. To withdraw from view, back away

  5. Retirement did not exist until 1900

Four Types of Retirees

  1. Ageless Explorers – 27% - enter new phase, exciting, challenging

  2. Comfortably Content – 19% - Leisure, take it easy, rest

  3. Live for Today – 22% - Continue to work to survive, make ends meet

  4. Sick and Tired – 32% - Worn out, poor health, forced to retire

Retirement involves:

  1. Sacrifices

    1. Learn to live on less

    2. Book title: “Half as much money, Twice as much husband”

    3. Reduce clutter

    4. Cut down spending

  1. New Identity

    1. For 35-40 years – teacher, salesman, preacher, engineer

    2. For many their occupation IS their identity

    3. We are often defined by our job

    4. Who will you be when you are not a _____ (occupation)?

    5. After I retire I will still be – man, husband, father, Christian, football watcher

  1. Stopping and Starting

    1. Stopping the full work load – occupation

    2. Starting – something to fill that time and space

    3. Volunteer, part-time work, hobby, new interest

    4. Retirement is not – not working – it is reinventing ourselves

  2. Retire “to” something rather than “from” something

    1. Third stage, next phase, new chapter

    2. Like graduation – end / beginning (commencement / graduation)

  3. Continuing to work

    1. Maybe less hours, less stress

    2. Perhaps a different job, in new field

  4. Fulfilling dreams

    1. Take trips – travel

    2. Move to new location – close to family

    3. Closer to family – grandchildren


  1. Ultimate retirement – eternal – heaven

  2. Are you prepared for your retirement?


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