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TITLE: Teach us to Pray

TEXT: Luke 11:1-13

PROPOSITION: We must learn how to pray.


  1. Prayer is a special opportunity to commune with God.

  2. There are two essential parts:

    1. Obligation – we are bound to do our duty toward God.

    2. Dependence – like a child, we depend on God.

  3. Jesus teaches us to pray

The MODEL Prayer Includes:

  1. Reverence – Our Father in heaven

  2. Submission – Your will be done

  3. Dependence – Daily bread

  4. Forgiveness – Forgive us our debts

  5. Guidance – Lead us not into temptation

  6. Praise – Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever.

Persistence in Prayer

  1. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing

  2. Parable in Luke 18:1-8 They ought always to pray, and not to faint

  3. Friend at midnight – Luke 18:5-8 because of his persistence

Who should I pray for?

  1. Civil government – local, state, national, international

  2. Enemies – who you dislike, who dislike you

  3. Preachers, missionaries – like or don't like, local or in mission field

  4. Wisdom – in all choices you make

  5. Furtherance of the gospel – goal of church = preach to every creature

  6. Forgiveness – of your sins, of those who wrong you

Things to Avoid in Prayer

  1. Putting on a show – to be seen of men

  2. Making announcements – “Lord, please help ladies remember the shower this afternoon at 2 pm in the fellowship hall.”

  3. Bargaining with God (as if at a garage sale) - “Lord if you will get me out of the hospital, I will be at church every time the doors are open.”

  4. Preaching, quoting scripture – “We remember your promise in Matthew 28:20 that you would be with us always even to the end of the world.”

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