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TITLE: State of the church
Revelation 2 and 3
Jesus addressed the state of 7 churches.


  1. President and Governor give annual speech about the state of the nation, state of the state.

  2. This lesson is a state of this church.

  3. This congregation is solid, strong, active, alive, growing, preparing for greater things.

What we have done in 2007?

  1. Spaced pews for more room

  2. Gave the removed pews to a church near Birmingham

  3. Bought new song books

  4. Expanded parking lot by 15 spaces

  5. Added visitor spaces

  6. Installed metal roof on church building and house

  7. Had a great VBS

  8. Printed new directory (March)

  9. Printed new pocket directory (March)

  10. Took photos and printed pictorial directory (December)

  11. Added Pew Bibles (2 in each pew)

  12. Cleaned out the old room upstairs

  13. Painted and fixed up this room for teen classroom

  14. Added a class for pre-teens

  15. Grew (see chart below)

  16. Helped family at Christmas time (Priceville Elementary)

  17. Added two missionaries to our mission budget – Mike Brooks, Wayne Barrier

  18. Doubled the number of kids at our Flashlight Egg Hunt

  19. Had a very successful Trunk or Treat

  20. Started using “homemade” communion bread – rather than the commercially made variety.

  21. Raised the goal from 100 to 125 to keep the goal a challenge for us.

  22. Replaced torn carpet with tile in front entry.





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Sunday School



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Sunday AM



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Sunday PM



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+ 8





+ $171





+ 11



Where will we go in 2008?

When Janet and I moved to Priceville (2 years ago) I set four primary goals for my work here.

  1. Lift the spirit, get this church out of depression, turn it around

    1. Just listen to the excitement, chatter, fellowship

    2. Before and after worship services

  2. Help the church grow.

    1. See chart above – we have grown.

    2. A church can not sustain 20% growth but continued growth is possible.

  3. Seek to increase the number of children, add classes

  4. Develop and appoint leadership for the church

I believe we have accomplished the first three of these goals.

  1. The spirit, attitude of this church turned around. People began to see that they could be alive and grow. The depression soon vanished away.

  2. Over the past 2 years the church has had good, steady, healthy growth. We continue to have families that are looking to be a part of the growing family of God here at Priceville. You have talked with former members and invited them to return.

  3. We have added children – started a cradle roll class, started a pre-teen class, now have a regular teen class.

In 2008

  1. We have a gospel meeting planned – W. T. Allison, March 9-12 (Sun. - Wed.)

  2. March 9 will also be a Homecoming – and all church dinner after AM service.

  3. We will also continue to update the directory with new families, and replace current pages with new photos to keep our directory current.

Here is the challenge for 2008 – leadership.

First, I need to say that the men's business meetings have been a joy to participate in. All matters have been discussed in a wonderful attitude.

Even if this church appoints elders and/or deacons, I would suggest that at least quarterly meetings be held with all the men to discuss plans, goals and keep communication open.

Second, I think we need to take time to appreciate the work of leadership in the past. Several men have served this church well. We need to appreciate their dedication and willingness to serve in this way.

Third, I believe there are men in this church that could serve as elders or deacons. I have not spoken with any of them about this. This is a matter to be thought about, talked about, taught in sermons and classes, and discussed.

Fourth, During January and February most of the sermons look at the work and qualifications of elders and deacons.

I have a plan.

  1. I would like to see the church appoint some deacons within the next 3-6 months.

    1. I have preached some sermons on deacons – qualifications, duties, how to appoint.

    2. Deacons are appointed to oversee the work in a specific area – education, missions, youth, etc.

    3. Yes, a church can have deacons without elders.

  2. I would like to explore the potential for elders appointed before the end of 2008.

    1. I hope you will hear the sermons on church leadership – the qualifications, duties, how to appoint.

    2. At a men's meeting, we will discuss IF this is a desire of the men.

    3. If they desire to pursue this – we will set out the process for all to be involved.


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