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It is expedient to teach the Bible to children at their age level.


  1. During the 1930s and 1940s – there were many issues that caused friction and division among churches of Christ – one cup, located preacher, orphan homes and Bible classes.

  2. There was a feeling by some (never a large segment) that the church assembly should NEVER be separated or divided into groups.

  3. They argued that the church with age group classes was divided, split, fractured, and in violation of the NT teaching.

Expediency (best in this situation)

  1. There is a difference in specific and generic commands.

    1. Specific = do it that way – no other way is allowed

    2. Generic = we have several good options – all are permitted

  2. Examples

    1. Preach the gospel – specific – not newspaper, not sociology, not math – Gospel

    2. Go into all the world – generic – boat, plane, car, walk – all are acceptable

    3. Communion – unleavened bread, fruit of the vine – specific

    4. Sing – psalms, hymns, spiritual songs – specific about the content of the songs

    5. Sing – generic – about soprano, alto, tenor, bass

  3. When a command is GENERIC – we must do what is expedient

    1. We are commanded to assemble – Hebrews 10:25

    2. WHERE? - rent a room, in a home, build a building – what is expedient?

  4. Teach – all ages – is commanded Acts 20:28, 31-32; Ephesians 4:11; 2 Timothy 2:2,4; 2 Peter 3:18

    1. Method – literature – how ages are divided – expediency determines

    2. Visual aids – equipment – chairs, tables - expediency determines

One Place

  1. Those opposed to having Bible classes base their aregument on two passages.

    1. 1 Corinthians 11:20 – Therefore when you come together in one place, it is not to eat the Lord's Supper.

    2. 1 Corinthians 14:23a – Therefore if the whole church comes together into one place

    3. There must be a coming together in one place - for worship, for communion

    4. These two passages deal with procedure (atmosphere, peace, orderliness) – not with the size of the worship facility.

    5. The early Jerusalem church (singular) was over 10,000 (Acts 4:4). There was not a place in Jerusalem that could seat that many people.

    6. They met in homes (house churches)

    7. This would be similar to a large church having two services.

Graduation Principles

  1. People are at different levels (age, Bible knowledge, backgrounds) and must be taught at their level

    1. We have “new convert” classes for those beginning Christians.

    2. We have cradle roll – for toddlers

  2. Parable of talents (Matthew 25) and Pounds (Luke 19) recognize that we have different abilities. It is foolish to think that ALL can be taught effectively in a single classroom.

  3. There is a difference in “weak” and “strong” Christians. (Romans 14)

  4. There is a difference in “milk” and “strong meat”. (Hebrews 5:12)

  5. Our sermons and classes but address these differences.

Binding Pattern?

  1. Those opposed to having separate Bible classes for age groups must do – show that there is a “binding pattern” for all the church to always, in all meetings, remain together in the same room.

  2. Because the church was to be together for communion – does not bind the church to always, in all situations, remain together.

    1. Examples – youth rally, ladies day, VBS

    2. These are NOT regular worship assemblies for the whole church

  3. If some want to teach all ages in one large assembly – that is permitted.

  4. What is not permitted – Making it a rule, a test of fellowship.

  5. FINAL COMMENT: While they opposed the “division” of the body of Christ into age groups for Bible class – they DIVIDED the body of Christ by imposing a rule that God did not make.


This outline is adapted from an article by Wayne Jackson.

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