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TITLE: Introducing the Worship

TEXT: John 4:20-24

PROPOSITION: When we fully understand what worship is, it will become more meaningful in our lives.


KEY WORD: Avenues


1. Today's worship will be a little different in its structure.

2. I will be introducing the avenues of worship.

  1. Read and study the Bible

    1. Revelation 1:3 "Blessed are they who read..."

    2. 2 Timothy 2:15 "Study to show thyself approved unto God..."

    3. Acts 17:11 Bereans were "more noble...searched the Scriptures"

    4. Scripture reading from John 4:20-24

    5. As we read and study the Bible we must be impressed with three things:

      1. The Bible is the Word of God.

      2. God is speaking to us, individually.

      3. We will be judged by these words. John 12:48

  2. Communion

    1. Called - Lord's Supper, Communion, break bread

    2. Time for meditation and contemplation

    3. Not closed or limited by us. Limitations are:

      1. Believers

      2. In the kingdom of Christ

      3. Self-examination

    4. 'Tis Set the Feast Divine (Followed by Communion)

  3. Giving – 1 Corinthians 16:1-2; 2 Corinthians 9:7

    1. First day of the week

    2. Not fund-raisers, pie suppers, etc.

    3. Not forced, taxed or assigned

    4. Freely, willingly, not of necessity

    5. Think about how you have been blessed – GIVE

  4. Prayer

    1. Prayer can be personal and private.

    2. Prayer should also be in the assembled church.

    3. Watch and Pray
      [Stand for song and prayer to follow.]

    4. Following this song _____________ will direct us in prayer.

  1. Singing

    1. We sing because God commands us to sing.

      1. Ephesians 5:19 "Speaking to yourselves..."

      2. Colossians 3:16 "Let the word of Christ dwell..."

      3. James 5:13 "Is any merry? Let him sing..."

    2. We do not use instruments because our goal is to:

      1. Do WHAT God said,

      2. The WAY God said,

      3. BECAUSE God said it.

      4. We desire to obey God the best we can.

    3. We do not have a choral group because:

      1. Worship is not for our entertainment.

      2. It is our expression of praise to God.

    4. We are told to sing three types of songs.

      1. Psalms - Scripture set to music.
        Psalm 148 – Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah

      2. Hymn - high praise addressed toward God
        We Praise Thee, O God

      3. Spiritual Song - encouragement to each other
        We're Marching to Zion

  2. Invitation

    1. As our worship period closes, I hope that you have had time to consider your spiritual state.

    2. A song of invitation is used as a convenient time to express your desires.

      1. Baptism into Christ for the remission of sins

      2. Restoration to fellowship and active service

      3. Prayer requests, needs, forgiveness

      4. I Am Resolved Stand and sing

  3. Announcements because we are a family and we care.

    1. Announcements

    2. Closing Blest Be the Tie that Binds

    3. Dismissed in prayer by _____________

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