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TITLE: Jonah's Sin

TEXT: Jonah 1:1-3

PROPOSITION: Jonah did some things wrong.




  1. Jonah was a successful preacher in the OT.

  2. While Noah converted 7 (his family), Jonah converted 120,000.

  3. Think about how the church is like Jonah

    1. We are God's children

    2. We had God's message

    3. We are told to go and preach that message

    4. We can sin like Jonah did.

  4. How did Jonah sin?


The Sin of Jonah was NOT:

  1. Inactivity

    1. When commanded – Jonah sprung into action

    2. Jonah was not a “couch potato”


  2. Preaching “hell fire and brimstone” sermons

    1. This was the command from God (40 days, Nineveh will be destroyed)

    2. Jesus was a “hell fire” preacher

      1. 11 of the 12 times Gehenna is used – Jesus spoke it

      2. 10 of the 11 times Jesus spoke the word – was in public

    3. The people were converted with this message


  3. Doubting his message

    1. He believed what he preached

    2. He believed God would destroy the city

    3. We must believe the message we preach


The Sin of Jonah WAS:

  1. Running from Duty

    1. He went to opposite direction from what God commanded

    2. This is “rebellion”

    3. Hebrew word – to shake a clenched fist – defiant

    4. We also have been given commands from God – obey or defy?


  2. Lack of Concern

    1. He knew the compassion of God – If they repent, God will spare them

    2. He was in “pagan” territory – He wanted them dead, gone, wiped out

    3. Similar to the older brother (Luke 15)

    4. Why are we not evangelizing?

  1. Misunderstand God's purpose and plan

    1. We, like Jonah, run AHEAD of God – try to tell God how to do things

    2. The vine, the worm, the east wind – all “prepared” by God

    3. Jonah was more concerned with a vine than 120,000 souls

    4. We are more concerned with a scratch on our car than souls.

    5. God wants all men to be saved.

    6. There is no partiality with God. Acts 10:34 – In truth I perceive that God is shows no partiality, but in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.


  1. Are you like Jonah?

    1. Active?

    2. Preach the word?

  2. We must avoid the sins of Jonah

    1. Do not run from your duty

    2. Be concerned about others salvation

    3. Realize God has a plan – you are part of it


Adapted from outline by Gene Taylor

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