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TITLE: False Authority

TEXT: Matthew 9:1-8

PROPOSITION: God is our authority, not many other things.


KEY WORD: Powers


  1. Recent news – man with blue light stopping cars – not a police man, but a robber

  2. He looked like he had authority – it was a false authority

  3. There are some “false authorities” that we must be aware of

Our Own Intellect

  1. We are not as smart as we think we are

  2. Sunday mornings this month – God knew things – told us

  3. We did not pay attention – we knew better

  4. Isaiah 55:8-9 – Gods ways and thoughts above ours

Personal Feelings

  1. We say “feel” when we mean – my opinion

  2. How you feel about


  1. Tradition = the way it has been done for some time

  2. Not a guarantee that it is correct, good or best way

  3. Traditions – change, shift, customs come and go

  4. Mark 7:8 – We lay aside the command to keep tradition

Dreams / Visions

  1. I am not denying the dream you claim

  2. BUT – How can you know it was from God?

  3. Are you sure it was NOT Satan?


  1. Education is good – I got one

  2. But education is not infallible, inerrant, authority

Family members

  1. Family is the foundation of society

  2. We trust family - “Blood is thicker than water”

  3. But – Grandma is not our eternal judge

Majority of the people / Survey polls

  1. Matthew 7:13-14 – wide gate; broad way – many go to destruction

  2. In many situations – majority is wrong


  1. Apollos – eloquent, good knowledge of Bible – wrong on baptism

  2. My preacher said” is not our eternal authority


  1. Acts 23:1 – Paul lived in good conscience – killed Stephen

  2. Conscience is a trained reflex – can be trained wrong

Sincerity / Zeal

  1. Man in middle of night – took a pill to help him sleep – killed him

  2. He was sincere – but mistaken about the pill

  3. We can be sincere and WRONG

  4. Romans 10:1-2 – Sincere – but lost

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