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TITLE: Steward – 3 – Giving is Worship

TEXT: Mark 12:41-44

PROPOSITION: Giving is a genuine act of worship.


KEY WORD: Reasons


  1. Giving is worship

    1. We often think of worship – singing, prayer, communion, study Bible

    2. But – giving = way to pay the preacher, heat / AC – just a mechanical act

  2. Giving is a part of stewardship – interest paid back – think – parable of talents

Why some give.

  1. Some give out of “duty” or obligation.

  2. For show – Praise of men

  3. For control – “If you don’t do what I want” - threat

  4. Some give to get. (Luke 6:38; Malachi 3:10)

  5. Some give out of loyalty to the local church.

Why some do NOT give or NOT give as they should.

  1. Disagree with preacher, elders, or the programs of work.

  2. Covetous – selfish, stingy

  3. Lack of faith – don’t believe that God will take care of them

  4. Poor managers – lack discipline to budget, wasteful

Your contribution expresses to God – your attitude toward:

Local: Preacher, associate minister, Gospel Minutes, Gospel Meeting, VBS, Youth work, local TV sermon, Community outreach, Benevolence, sending sympathy and get well cards, church website, Christian counselor
Missions (Stateside): Tn Children Home and Potter Home for Children, Disaster relief, Search TV, Healing Hands, Work with Eddie Lawson, AL and Wayne Burger in Colorado
Missions (foreign countries): Kirovo-Chepetsk church and mission trips, Fowlers and Shorts in Brazil, Zimbabwe, India, Latin America Missions, Panama preacher

Personal: How much you love God, love Jesus, desire heaven

What others did.

  1. Mark 12:41-44 – Widow gave all, others out of their abundance

  2. 2 Corinthians 9:7 – Not grudgingly, necessity, cheerful giver

  3. 2 Corinthians 8:5 – First gave themselves to the Lord

  4. 1 Corinthians 16:2 – As God has prospered them

  5. 2 Corinthians 8:12 – According to what you have, not what you lack

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