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Where are the nine?

Luke 17:11-19



1.     Gratitude = saying “Thanks”

2.     Adults don’t have anyone to remind them

3.     “Now what do you say?”


Think about this

1.     Commanded of God

a.     Ephesians 5:19-20

b.     Colossians 3:17

c.     Philippians 4:6

d.     1 Thessalonians 5:18

2.     Some good things in this event

a.     Asked for mercy – requires humility

b.     Got along without prejudice

c.     Had faith to go – heal as they went

3.     Not ungrateful – just not expressed

a.     Probably like us today

                                                    i.     They had to be happy

                                                   ii.     They must have rejoiced

b.     Pace of life – we just don’t

                                                    i.     Take time to express our gratitude

c.     We take gifts for granted

                                                    i.     Child thinks – my birthday, they own me presents

                                                   ii.     My parents OWE me a new bike – it is Christmas

4.     Perhaps they were:

a.     Unable to express gratitude - doubtful

b.     Samaritan had more to be thankful for


1.     All need to show more gratitude to God and fellow man

2.     We can show gratitude by obeying His will

3.     2 Corinthians 5:14-15

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