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Testing the Preacher’s Work

1 Corinthians 3:10-15


1.     NOT:

a.     Personality

b.     Knowledge of Bible

c.     Eloquence

d.     Appolos had all of these

2.     Text Examined

a.     What and How you build

b.     All types of material to work with

c.     Fire = the testing of the work

d.     Day = the day of our trial, testing

e.     Saved like:

                                                    i.     Steward who loses all trusted to him

                                                   ii.     Contractor whose building burns down

                                                 iii.     Farmer whose crop is destroyed in a storm

3.     The Lessons

a.     We can fall from grace – 1 Corinthians 10:12

b.     Trial can pull some down – 1 Corinthians 10:13

c.     Salvation is a gift from God – Romans 6:23

d.     Christians are God’s temple

e.     We must guard those we teach – 2 John 8

f.      Teachers joy is in those taught – 1 Thessalonians 2:18-19

g.     Crude and tactless teaching will hurt the church

                                                    i.     “You are going to hell”

                                                   ii.     Be careful HOW you build

4.     The Questions

a.     Can you stand the test? Will your work stand up?

b.     Will you abide or be burned?

c.     Of what material are you made?

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