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1 Peter 2:4-8



1.     Geologist takes ugly rock – cuts and polishes it

2.     Now it is beautiful – He could see the beauty inside

3.     We need to be able to see your beauty

Here is what Peter teaches us

1.     Throw away or keep? – 4

a.     Men cast away

b.     Look on outward appearance

c.     Toss away what might have great importance

d.     God chooses these castaways

e.     Precious to Him

2.     Rocky or Solid Rock? – 5

a.     Lively stones

b.     Spiritual house

c.     Holy priesthood

d.     Offer sacrifices

e.     Acceptable to God

3.     Tumble down or Hold Together? – 6-8

a.     Prophecy

b.     Believe?

                                                    i.     Not confounded

                                                   ii.     Precious

c.     Disobedient?

                                                    i.     Throwing away what is most important to you

                                                   ii.     Stumble, offence, curse the thing – that can help you most


1.     Jesus is a precious stone

2.     So are you.

3.     If disobedient – you are in the rock pile of life

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