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  1. Guilt is Inevitable

    1. Psalm 51:3-4, 10-12, 14

    2. Proverbs 13:15

    3. Isaiah 6:5

    4. Luke 5:8

    5. Matthew 27:3-5

    6. Luke 5:32

  2. Guilt is a blessing

    1. Know that sin exists

    2. Learn from errors of the past

    3. Repent – requires knowing the wrong

    4. Guilt = temperature – you know something is wrong

    5. Don't sear your conscience – 1 Timothy 4:2

  3. Don't carry it around with you

    1. Take God at His Word

    2. Admit the wrong you have done

    3. Forgive others to be forgiven

    4. Sincerely – one time – ask God's forgiveness

    5. Accept the FACT – it is gone

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