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Ephesians 5:25-27


1.     We often ask about the individual

a.     Jailer

b.     Saul

c.     Pentecost

d.     What about the church?

2.     1 Corinthians 16:13

a.     Stand fast in the faith

                                                    i.     Fast = sure, tight, glue – Galatians 5:1

                                                   ii.     Faith

1.     Jude 3

2.     Faith = NT principles – the body of truth

                                                 iii.     Stand – keep standing

3.     Titus 1:9 / 2 Timothy 1:13

a.     Uphold sound doctrine

b.     Must know it / recognize it

c.     Must know what it is not / identify error

d.     2 Timothy 4:3

e.     Isaiah 30:10

4.     Romans 12:2

a.     1 John 2:15

b.     James 1:27

c.     Purge church of worldliness

5.     Ephesians 4:1-3 – strive for unity

a.     Philippians 1:27

b.     1 Corinthians 1:10

6.     Reproduce

a.     John 15:2-8

b.     Reproduce or be cut off

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