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  1. NT Baptism – 3 Essentials

    1. Mode – burial, immersion

    2. Subject – believer, repent

    3. Purpose – salvation, forgiveness, wash sins away

  2. Some are “baptized” but not immersed

    1. Dictionary – sprinkle, pour, immerse

    2. Many call sprinkling of water on an infant – baptism

    3. Bible Usage is different

      1. Colossians 2:12

      2. Romans 6:4

      3. Acts 8:37

      4. Matthew 3:16

    4. Some are “baptized” - but

      1. Wrong mode – sprinkle

      2. Wrong subject – infant, not a believer

      3. Wrong purpose – dedicated to God

  3. Some are Immersed but not baptized

    1. Must believe – Mark 16;16

    2. Repent – Acts 2:38

    3. Confess – Acts 8

    4. Some are scared, nagged, arm-twisted, pressured, don't know enough

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