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Matthew 21:28-32

Paul and Jesus had a two-day calendar

They lived TODAY in the light of THAT DAY


1.      Today

a.      Matthew 21:28-32

b.      Luke 23:43 Today with me in paradise

c.      Matthew 6:30 Today is, tomorrow cast into the fire

2.      That Day

a.      Matthew 13:32 of that day knows no man

b.      Matthew 7:21-23 many will say in that day

c.      Luke 10:12 more tolerable in that day


1.      Today

a.      Hebrews 13:8 – same yesterday, today, forever

b.      Hebrews 5:5  Thou art my son, today I have begotten you

c.      Hebrews 3:12-15 Exhort today, while it is day

2.      That Day

a.      2 Thessalonians 1:7-10 in that day

b.      2 Timothy 1:12, 18 come to that day, mercy in that day

c.      2 Timothy 4:8 give me crown of life in that day


To be ready on THAT DAY we must include God in our plans TODAY.

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