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TITLE: One Year to Live

TEXT: Jeremiah 28:15-17

PROPOSITION: The brevity of life requires us to make some changes in our behavior.


KEY WORD: Changes


1.     Imagine Dr. saying, "One year to live."

2.     What changes would you make?

1. Values.

A.    I John 2:15-17 World vs. God

B.    More - Patient, Kind, Understanding

C.    Enjoy life more. Philippians 3:1 "Rejoice in the Lord"

D.    Use time wisely. Ephesians 5:16 "Redeeming the time"

E.    Put spiritual first. Matthew 6:33 "Seek ye first"

2. Clear the Past.

          A. With God.

                    1. If not a Christian, I would ...

                    2. If out of fellowship, I would ...

          B. With fellowman, family, church.

                    1. Matthew 5:24 - If I did the wrong

                    2. Matthew 18:15-17 - If I am wronged

3. Provide for the future.

A.    Family 1 Timothy 5:8

B.    Church, mission work, orphans, good works, etc.

C.    Rev. 14:13  "works do follow after them"

4. Develop Spiritual Life.

A.    Public - attend worship services, classes, meetings, workshops, seminars, (every chance to learn and grow)

B.    Private - study, pray, read, sing, and meditate.

C.    Less time on - sports, weather, news


1. Last day on earth - what would you do?

                    4:00 - Visit Mrs. Brown in the hospital

                    5:00 - Eat supper

                    7:00 - Teach my Bible class

                    10:00 - Go to sleep - Wake up with Jesus

          2. What would you do?

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