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TITLE: Our Warfare and the Weapons

TEXT: 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

PROPOSITION: Christians must understand the war and weapons we use.


KEY WORD: Details



  1. Many figures of speech for Christians – family, vine / branches, sheep / shepherd.
  2. Our VBS – this Saturday – The Armor of God.
  3. Today – Basic training.
  4. Before sent into battle – some basics to know.

The Warfare

    1. This is a moral conflict. (vs. 3; Ephesians 6:12
      Not like war in physical sense.
    2. This is a war of knowledge / ignorance; light / dark; Christ / Satan
    3. This is a necessary conflict.
      NOT Optional.
    4. This is a difficult war.
      Not an easy opponent.
    5. This is an important conflict. Eternity hangs on the outcome.
      For the warriors and the victims.

The Weapons

Every Christian is a soldier. When you were baptized = join the army.

Your weapons of protection –

    1. Truth – John 8:32
    2. Righteousness – Doing right in the sight of God
    3. Gospel of Peace – While fighting the war – offer peace
    4. Faith – Our shield which protects us from Satan's darts
    5. Salvation – Assurance of God's love and forgiveness

Two weapons for attack –

    1. Sword of Spirit = Word of God – Use the Bible to attack evil.
    2. Prayer – Pray for the enemy, for strength, for victory

These weapons are not carnal.

They are mighty through God.

The Victories

    1. The pulling down of strongholds
      Stronghold = fortress
      Obstacles which oppose the truth.
    2. Casting down imaginations, and every high thing
      Systems of philosophy, lifestyles
      Many "high things" which must be cast down
    3. Bringing into captivity every thought
      Emotions, thoughts, feelings of the heart

Practical Lessons

    1. Christianity is not a system of quietism and pacifism
    2. Christianity is both offensive and defensive
    3. Christians must be aggressive.
    4. Are you ready to enlist (or re-enlist) in the Lord's army?

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