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Y  N    1. Do you want to go to heaven more than anything else?

Y  N    2. Are most people going to heaven? Matt. 7:13-14

Y  N    3. Must things be done according to the pattern? Heb. 8:5

Y  N    4. Would it have been OK to use gopher wood and oak? Gen. 6:14

Y  N    5. Was it OK to offer strange fire in worship to God? Lev. 10:1-2

Y  N    6. Did it matter if all or just some of the Amalekites were destroyed? I Samuel 15:2-23

Y  N    7. Did it matter if Moses spoke to the rock or struck it? Numbers 20:7-12

Y  N    8. Did it matter that their intentions were good?

Y  N    9. Does it matter if steak and potatoes are used along with the bread and the fruit of the vine?  Matt. 26:26-28

Y  N    10. When God specifies what is to be done, does that limit what can be done?


Y  N    11. Has God commanded a kind of music? Col. 3:16-17

Y  N    12. Is singing what God commanded? Eph. 5:19

1  2    13. In singing, how many kinds of music are used?

1  2  14. In singing and playing, how many kinds of music are used?

1  2    15. How many kinds are authorized by God?

1  2  16. When using a song book, how many kinds of music are used?

1 MANY 17. Who are commanded to sing?

Y  N  18. Does the use of instruments in the Old Testament justify their use in the church?

Y  N  19. Does the use of instruments in heaven justify their use in the church?

Y  N  20. Is it wrong to have married people in the church? Matthew 22:30

Vocal  Mech.  21. What kind of music is authorized in the New Testament?


Scripture                 Requirement           Voice            Instrument

                                                            Can              Can      

Eph. 5:19                Speaking


                              In the heart

Col. 3:16                 Words indwell



James 5:13             Happy

Heb. 13:15              Fruit of lips

Rom. 15:9               Confess

                              Sing thy name

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