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Sin unto death

1 John 5:14-17

What we know from the text

  1. We can have confidence in prayer – 14

  2. We must ask according to His will – 14

  3. God hears our prayers – 14

  4. God answers prayer – 15

  5. Sometimes we witness the sin of a brother – 16

  6. We can (and should) pray for each other – 16

  7. A brother can sin which does not lead to death – 16

  8. Pray for such a brother – 16

  9. God will change the death to life – 16

  10. There is a sin which leads to death – 16

  11. We are not commanded to pray about this sin – 16

  12. All unrighteousness is sin – 17

  13. There is a sin which does not lead to death – 17


Issues to discuss

  1. A brother can sin and be lost

  2. A brother can sin and yet have eternal life

  3. We should pray for brethren who sin

  4. There is a sin unto death


Other important information in 1 John

  1. Prayer is powerful – 5:14

  2. Forgiveness is one of the purposes of prayer – 2:1-2

  3. We all sin – 1:8

  4. We must confess our sin – 1:9

  5. When sin is confessed and repented, God forgives and cleanses – 1:9


Here is a simple argument from 1 John

  1. God will for give ALL sin we confess. (1:9)

  2. There is a sin unto death for which prayer has no value. (5:16)

  3. Conclusion: The sin unto death is the sin not confessed.

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