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Premillennialism: An Insult to God


We are seeing, what I call, "Millennium Mania" among the religious world. TV, Radio, pulpits, books, magazines, and Bibles (Scofield, Open) are filled with teachings about the theory of Premillennialism.

We are being introduced to new words (rapture, pre-tribulation, dispensationalism) and new concepts (seven resurrections, five judgments, coming vs. appearing). Many obscure passages are being quoted to us and we are not familiar enough with them to respond.

This is a difficult subject to study because:

A. There is a great variety of sub-set theories.
B. They use several obscure passages from Daniel and Revelation.
C. There are many non-biblical terms.
D. Many biblical words are given unique meanings.
E. Taught in some form by almost every religious group in America.

1. Definition of Terms


1. Pre = before, in front of, ahead
2. Mille = Latin for one thousand
3. Annum = A year
4. Ism = the doctrine or teaching about

B. Chiliast = Early Christians who looked for the earthly return of Christ.

C. The major tenets of the theory of Premillennialism


D. It is very difficult to deal with this doctrine because there are so many variables to it.


E. Biblical Terms (What Premillennialism teaches about:)

Kingdom - Literal reign in Jerusalem
Second Coming - In two phases
(parousia - presence; epipheneia - manifestation)
Resurrection - In 2 or 3 phases
Judgment - In 2 to 7 phases
Tribulation - Anti-Christ causes suffering
Anti-Christ - World ruler seeks to be worshipped

F. Non-Biblical Terms (What Premillennialism teaches:)

Rapture - "To be caught up"; The taking up to heaven of all true saints before the great tribulation begins here on earth.

2. What is the harm in this teaching?

Many people say, "All of this is future, and who is right will not make any difference. By the time we learn who is right, it will already be taking place."

Here is why this is an important matter of doctrine.


4. The Core Issue in Premillennialism

A. The following quotations taken from those who believe in and teach Premillennialism.


B. The PRIMARY Question to ask about Premillennialism

STUDY: Matthew 4:17; Matthew 16:28; Mark 9:1; Acts 1:6-8


Birth Isaiah 7:14 Matthew 1:22-23
Death Isaiah 53:8-9 Acts 8:28, 32-35
Burial Psalm 16:9-10 Acts 2:24-32
Resurrection Psalm 16:10 Acts 2:24-34
Ascension Psalm 24:7-10 Acts 2:33-34
Coronation Daniel 7:13-14 Revelation 1:9; Colossians 1:13

To prove that Christ came to die, be buried, raised, ascend and receive the kingdom - - proves that he did not come to reign in an earthly kingdom, on a literal throne in Jerusalem.

D. Think about the "WHAT IFS" in Premillennialism.

What if Christ had been successful in the mission which Premillennialism claims? Think about the consequences of his success.


6. Their Proof Text Examined - Matthew 24

Outline of the chapter

1. Introduction, Setting and Questions Raised. (1-3)

2. Destruction of Jerusalem (4-35)

3. Second Coming of Christ. (36-51)

A. No warning signs will be given. (36-44)

B. Parable of faithful and unfaithful servants. (45-51)

A Consideration of the Background Regarding the Temple and the Questions Asked by Jesus’ Disciples.

1. They asked three questions.

2. They thought it was one question.

3. Jesus answered two questions.

An exposition of Matthew 24.

1. Remote signs - false Christs, wars and rumors

2. Nearer signs - tribulation, false prophets, persecution

3. Immediate sign - Desolating sacrilege

4. Difficult text (29-31)

5. Learn from the fig tree - "Heed the signs."

6. No Signs for the coming of Christ.

This message continues in Matthew 25.

1. Parable of wise and foolish virgins. (1-13)
2. Parable of the talents. (14-30)
3. Picture of judgment. (31-46)

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