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Personal Work Today


  1. Definition of terms

    1. Evangelism – declaring good news, the gospel is the good news from God, we must share God's will with the lost

    2. Personal work – The work of evangelism, sharing the gospel with others

      1. Personal – individual, me, not just preacher and elders

      2. Work – exertion, effort

    3. Great Commission – the command of Jesus to teach all people in all nations the gospel of Jesus Christ – Matthew 28, Mark 16


  2. Background – what we did 40-50 years ago

    1. History – In the 50's and 60's

      1. Churches of Christ were the “fastest” growing religious group

      2. Now we are 5th – many denominations losing membership

      3. We are growing – but very little – many are holding their own

    2. Tools available then

      1. Charts – Maurice Tisdale, Tom Bristow

      2. Filmstrips – Jule Miller

      3. Open Bible Study (OBS) – Ivan Stewart

      4. Correspondence Course – Monroe Hawley, John Hurt


  3. Changes in receptivity – changes in lifestyle, changes in thinking and values in the last 40 years

    1. Both parents working – Our economy and lifestyle demand both work

    2. Child care – Children are being trained and formed in day care

    3. Materialistic – The focus is one getting and paying for things

      1. Major focus is on things and how to get more

      2. One with most toys wins”

      3. One with most toys – is still dead”

    4. Busy – soccer, baseball, karate, piano, scouts

    5. Liberal – influenced by liberals on TV, movies

    6. Secular – our thinking is “this world”

    7. More mobile – no roots, no close friends, don't know neighbors

    8. Lower reading level – ineffective education, more movies, TV, less reading

    9. Door knocking – to set up studies, enroll in BCC

      1. About 66% not home at any moment

      2. Death of door sales – Fuller Brush, Encyclopedias, bread, milk, vacuums

      3. In 1960 – 100 doors = 5 studies; 2008 – 900 doors = 1 study

  1. OUT (what used to work but is not as effective today)

    1. Religious debates – were an effective method of correcting doctrinal errors and teaching the truth

    2. Gospel Meetings – revivals, seminars

      1. From one month, 2 weeks, 1 week, 5 day, weekend

      2. From many converts to little effectiveness

    3. Filmstrips – outdated, not high tech

    4. OBS – method is sound, problem is scheduling time to study

    5. Charts – method is sound, finding time to study with them is problem

    6. Door Knocking – see facts in the OUT section

    7. Cell Groups – small group Bible studies

    8. Tracts – less skill and time to read

    9. Newspaper ads – public is informed, but few take action


  2. IN (things that are now more effective than the above list)

    1. TV Programs – Herald of Truth, Search for Lord's Way, Preaching the Gospel, and many local programs

    2. Films – Marriage Enrichment, Focus on the Family, Personal Finances, practical topics but films are shown in the church building or fellowship hall at no charge

    3. Internet – churches, individuals

      1. Chat rooms – discussions on many topics, answers to questions

      2. Sermons – outlines, full content, MP3 (audio), streaming video, Power Point files

      3. Email – personal email, Email group lists (I am on 5 lists)

      4. Research – books, commentaries, materials

    4. BCC – Bible Correspondence Courses

      1. By “snail” mail

      2. Internet and Email

    5. DVD – Videos that can be watched on their schedule, no pressure

      1. Truth” DVD by World Video Bible School

      2. Priceville church services – get a DVD and give to someone to watch

    6. Friendship Evangelism – become friends, develop a personal relationship and sense of trust, then work into spiritual topics and Bible study


  3. Generation X and the Millennial Generation

    1. They possess only a hazy sense of their own identity but a monumental preoccupation with all the problems the preceding generation will leave for them to fix . . .This is the twenty-something generation, those 48 million young Americans ages 18 through 29 who fall between the famous baby boomers and the boomlet of children the baby boomers are producing. Since today's young adults were born during a period when the U.S. birthrate decreased to half the level of its postwar peak, in the wake of the great baby boom, they are sometimes called the baby busters. By whatever name, so far they are an unsung generation, hardly recognized as a social force or even noticed much at all...By and large, the 18-to-29 group scornfully rejects the habits and values of the baby boomers, viewing that group as self-centered, fickle and impractical. While the baby boomers had a placid childhood in the 1950s, which helped inspire them to start their revolution, today's twenty-something generation grew up in a time of drugs, divorce and economic strain. . .They feel influenced and changed by the social problems they see as their inheritance: racial strife, homelessness, AIDS, fractured families and federal deficits.”[1] FROM:

    2. Think about how we can reach people with these attitudes


Generation X: Declaring their Independence

The 51 million members of Generation X, born between 1965 and 1976, grew up in a very different world than previous generations. Divorce and working moms created "latchkey" kids out of many in this generation. This led to traits of independence, resilience and adaptability. Generation X feels strongly that "I don't need someone looking over my shoulder."

At the same time, this generation expects immediate and ongoing feedback, and is equally comfortable giving feedback to others. Other traits include working well in multicultural settings, desire for some fun in the workplace and a pragmatic approach to getting things done.

Generation X saw their parents get laid off or face job insecurity. Many of them also entered the workplace in the early '80s, when the economy was in a downturn. Because of these factors, they've redefined loyalty. Instead of remaining loyal to their company, they have a commitment to their work, to the team they work with, and the boss they work for. For example, a Baby Boomer complains about his dissatisfaction with management, but figures its part of the job. A Gen Xer doesn't waste time complaining-she sends her resume out and accepts the best offer she can find at another organization.

At the same time, Generation X takes employability seriously. But for this generation there isn't a career ladder. There's a career lattice. They can move laterally, stop and start, their career is more fluid.

Even more so than Baby Boomers, members of Generation X dislike authority and rigid work requirements. An effective mentoring relationship with them must be as hands-off as possible. Providing feedback on their performance should play a big part, as should encouraging their creativity and initiative to find new ways to get tasks done. As a mentor, you'll want Gen Xers to work with you, not for you. Start by informing them of your expectations and how you'll measure their progress and assure them that you're committed to helping them learn new skills. (Members of Generation X are eager to learn new skills because they want to stay employable.) Gen Xers work best when they're given the desired outcome and then turned loose to figure out how to achieve it. This means a mentor should guide them with feedback and suggestions, not step-by-step instructions.

The Millennial Generation: Up and Coming

Just beginning to enter the workplace, The Millennial Generation was born between 1977 and 1998. The 75 million members of this generation are being raised at the most child-centric time in our history. Perhaps it's because of the showers of attention and high expectations from parents that they display a great deal of self-confidence to the point of appearing cocky. As you might expect, this group is technically literate like no one else. Technology has always been part of their lives, whether it's computers and the Internet or cell phones and text pagers.

Millennials are typically team-oriented, banding together to date and socialize rather than pairing off. They work well in groups, preferring this to individual endeavors. They're good multitaskers, having juggled sports, school, and social interests as children so expect them to work hard. Millennials seem to expect structure in the workplace. They acknowledge and respect positions and titles, and want a relationship with their boss. This doesn't always mesh with Generation X's love of independence and hands-off style.

All Millennials have one thing in common: They are new to the professional workplace. Therefore, they are definitely in need of mentoring, no matter how smart and confident they are. And they'll respond well to the personal attention. Because they appreciate structure and stability, mentoring Millennials should be more formal, with set meetings and a more authoritative attitude on the mentor's part.

Provide lots of challenges but also provide the structure to back it up. This means breaking down goals into steps, as well as offering any necessary resources and information they'll need to meet the challenge. You might consider mentoring Millennials in groups, because they work so well in team situations. That way they can act as each other's resources or peer mentors.



Generation X


Born 1965-1976
51 million

Born 1977 – 1998
75 million

Accept diversity
Reject rules
Killer life
Mistrust institutions
Use technology
Latch-key kids
Friend-not family

Celebrate diversity
Rewrite the rules
Killer lifestyle
Irrelevance of institutions
Assume technology
Multitask fast
Friends = family

Mentoring Do’s
· Casual, friendly work
· Involvement
· Flexibility and freedom
· A place to learn

Mentoring Do’s
· Structured, supportive work
· Personalized work
· Interactive relationship
· Be prepared for demands, high

Source: The Learning Café and American Demographics enterprisingmuseum 2003.

  1. Missing Ingredients

    1. Sense of brotherhood

    2. Knowledge of our past history

    3. Pride in the Lord's church

    4. Strong, wise leadership

    5. Lack of communication

    6. Shift in several of our Christian Universities

    7. Short on preachers who are equipped to teach and lead


TITLE: Mountains to Climb

TEXT: Mark 16:13-16


  1. When I say “Great Commission” most know what I am talking about.

  2. While we know the command – we are not doing much about it.

  3. I want to discuss some of the mountains to climb first.


Being Fearful of our Mission

  1. I don’t know what to say, how to begin

  2. What if they ask _____?

  3. I don’t know all the answers.


Embarrassment of our mission

  1. Football player with cross on chain, bent over and cross came out of shirt,
    Boy says, “Your religion is showing.”

  2. Pray in restaurants, control tongue, ask people to stop using God’s name in vain

  3. What if I knock on the door of a fellow worker?


Overwhelmed by the size of the task

  1. 6 billion people on earth – I am only one.

  2. Grasshopper Complex – Numbers 13

  3. What can I do? What did those 11 apostles think?


Turning our mission inward

  1. We are big enough, we need to train, teach ourselves first

  2. Spiritual navel gazing – “ingrownitis”

  3. All the programs of fellowship and ministry – help me, please me


Cheapening our mission

  1. Friendship evangelism – become a friend, teach, they reject, stop being their friend.

  2. Enroll in BCC, show filmstrips, teach OBS – they reject gospel, We drop them from our list of contacts.


Failing to translate the message

  1. We have our own jargon – special lingo – code words. Communion, Gospel Meeting, repent, confession, baptism.

  2. Have you been baptized?” We have a special meaning to that question.

  3. It will take time for new converts to know our special lingo. We may use a word correctly as the New Testament does, but the “unchurched” don't use it the sense we are thinking.


Opinionating our message

  1. We often try to convert men to our opinions.

  2. We want them to believe exactly as we do.

  3. The Pharisees did this in Jesus day. (Matthew 23:15)


Failure to apply the message to our lives

  1. We do not always live the message we teach.

  2. Do as I say, not as I do.

  3. People are not asking what we got, because they do not want to catch it.

  4. Our lives must demonstrate the advantages of Christianity.


TITLE: Let’s Evangelize the World

TEXT: Luke 24:45-47



  1. We all know the Great Commission.

  2. Yet, we are not doing it very fast. Why?

  3. Let us understand the motives of evangelism.

  4. Three Facts to Know.

    1. All not baptized are lost. Mark 16:16; Acts 16:22; 1 Peter 3:21

    2. Gospel is the only power to save. Romans 1:16

    3. Christians are God’s only messengers.

  5. Three Things to Understand.

    1. Value of the a soul. Matthew 16:26

    2. Length of eternity.

    3. Meaning of hell.

  6. Three Powers to Use.

    1. Heart - Love, Go even weeping Psalm 126:6

    2. Head - Think, Reason (not argue) Isaiah 1:18

    3. Foot - Go, Ask, Seek, Knock

  7. Three Motives to Urge Us.

    1. Punishment - Fail to obey this command - 2 Corinthians 5:11 Knowing terror of Lord

    2. Hope of Heaven - self and others

    3. Love - God loves us; How could we do less? - 2 Corinthians 5:14 Love of Christ compels us

  8. Three Attitudes to Have.

    1. Optimistic. “You don’t want to study the Bible do you?”

    2. Golden Rule. Speak to them as you would want to be talked to.

    3. Meekness. Humility, rather than “know it all” attidude


TITLE: Hardest at Home

TEXT: Luke 8:34-39


  1. Where is the hardest place to be a Christian? Cuba? China? Russia?

  2. Business world, entertainment field, Hollywood?

  3. In your own home, around family, friends, co-workers

  4. In our hometown – Mark 6:4 – Prophet not without honor (except at home).


Our Text

  1. Jesus healed this “demon possessed” man.

  2. He wanted to follow Jesus.

  3. Jesus said, “Return to your own house and tell what great things God has done for you.”

  4. He was to move among those who knew him as a demonic and teach them?

  5. Tell them about grace, forgiveness, God’s love and compassion.


Costliest Gift – Yourself

  1. You can buy a book, toy, or a bicycle easier than share yourself.

  2. Easier to give fish away than teach a boy to fish.

  3. Buy a ticket to a ballgame than to play ball with your son.

  4. What should a father be at home?
    Little girl said – catch a fish, build a fire, fly a kite, catch a butterfly, plant a flower

  5. Nothing she listed required any money – just him.

  6. Friends need us. Families need us. Fellow Christians need us.
    Not just money, cards, gifts, tokens of affection
    They need US – our presence is more valuable than gifts.


Hardest Requirement – Love

  1. Sympathy = feel for someone

  2. Empathy = feel with someone

  3. Many homes are filled with criticism, ridicule, sarcasm, slander

  4. In work place – jealousy, anger


Strongest Effort – Consistent Life (Example)

  1. On your toes – ALL the time, in all places, situations.

  2. Others are watching – Do your actions match your claim?


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