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TITLE: Levels of Learning
TEXT: Hebrews 5:12-14
PROPOSITION: We must advance through several levels of learning.
KEY WORD: Levels

INTRODUCTION: This weekend we honor, encourage, and motivate teachers.

  1. Some failure is in the soil. Matthew 13:1-8 Poor soil will not produce.
  2. However, it is not always the soil’s fault that many are not growing.
  3. We need to advance through several levels of learning.
  1. Acquaintance Level
  1. Open to new material – Acts 17 – a God they did not know.
  2. Some mocked (32) some wanted to know more.
  1. Understanding Level
  1. Most of our teaching occurs here.
  2. We want to understand the text, the meaning, and the doctrine.
  3. John 12:42 – Some believed (understood) but their learning stopped here.
  1. Insight Level
  1. Insight seeks to grasp the meaning of the facts (1) and understanding (2).
  2. How do these facts apply to my life? APPLICATION to LIFE.
  3. David and prize = Problem (Goliah) vs. Prize (Princess)
  1. Decision Level
  1. Some become "scholars" but never decide to obey.
  2. Hear (1), Believe (2), Apply to others (3) – But not to SELF.
  3. Acts 26:27-28 – Agrippa had first levels – not decision level.
  4. Matthew 21:25-26 – Baptism of John – heaven or men?
  1. Living Level
  1. Learn by doing – experience is best teacher.
  2. Teaching includes – training.
  3. 2 Timothy 2:2 learned – teach – are able to teach others
  4. Matthew 28:19 – observe all things
  1. Empowered Level
  1. Lord’s level.
  2. Colossians 1:9-11


    1. Many are "stuck" on understanding and insight (application).
    2. They never get to decision and living levels.

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