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The Authority of Elders

1.     Authority

a.     God – 1 Corinthians 11:3; 3:23

b.     Christ – 1 Corinthians 11:3

c.     Apostles – 2 Corinthians 10:8; 13:10

d.     New Testament

e.     In every obligation – expediency, human judgment, is involved

f.      Someone must make decisions

g.     Elders have this authority

2.     Negative Aspects of their Authority

a.     In matters of obligation – there is no veto power over the NT

                                                    i.     Baptism

                                                   ii.     Worship

                                                 iii.     Morals

b.     Lords over God’s heritage – Matthew 20:25-28; 1 Peter 5:3

c.     No elder is over the other elders, none with more power than others

                                                    i.     No seniority

                                                   ii.     No junior elders

3.     Positive Aspects

a.     Duties of elders to the church

                                                    i.     Oversee the flock – Acts 20:28

                                                   ii.     Take heed to self

                                                 iii.     Feed the flock – Acts 20:28

                                                 iv.     Watch for wolves – Acts 20:31

                                                  v.     Keep watch over the flock – Acts 20:31

                                                 vi.     Watch for their souls – Hebrews 13:17

                                               vii.     Be an example – 1 Peter 5:3

                                              viii.     Hold fast the Word – Titus 1:9

                                                 ix.     Convict gainsayers – Titus 1:9

                                                  x.     Stop mouths – Titus 1:10-11

                                                 xi.     Pray for sick – James 5:14

                                               xii.     Rule – 1 Timothy 5:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:12; Romans 12:8

                                              xiii.     Direct spending – Acts 11:27-30

                                             xiv.     Make decisions – Acts 15:6

b.     Pertinent passages

                                                    i.     Acts 20:28 – Two words

1.     Episkopos – overseer

2.     Poimaino – shepherd, tend, manage, direct, lead

                                                   ii.     1 Peter 5:1-5

1.     Poimaino – tend the flock of God

2.     Episkopos – exercising the oversight thereof

3.     Shepherd –

4.     Not by constraint – not drafted, must be willing

5.     Not obtained by force

6.     Upotasso – be subject to, obey, submit, yield

                                                 iii.     Special study of upotasso

1.     Romans 13:5 – civil authorities

2.     1 Corinthians 14:34 – wife to husband

3.     Luke 2:52 – Christ to parents

4.     Romans 10:3 – Jews to righteousness of God

5.     Matthew 10:1 – Jesus gave power (exousia) over devils

6.     Luke 10:17 – devils are subject (upotasso) to apostles

7.     Romans 13:1 – subject to higher powers

8.     1 Corinthians 15:28 – all are subject to Jesus

9.     Matthew 28:18 – Jesus has all power

10. 1 Peter 3:1 – wives submit to husband

11. 1 Peter 3:5 – holy women in subjection

12. 1Peter 3:6 – Sarah obeyed Abraham\

13. Conclusion: It is clear that upotasso (subject) implies the exousia (power) of the person to who submission is to be given.

                                                 iv.     1 Timothy 3:4-5

1.     Paul reasons from the minor to the major

2.     Analogy of house and God’s house (church)

3.     Poristami – rule well – literally – to stand over

4.     Epimelonai – take care of – involving forethought and provision

                                                  v.     1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

1.     Are over you – proistami – rule, stand over

2.     Admonish you – noutheteo

                                                 vi.     Hebrews 13:17

1.     Upeiko – to yield to authority, to submit, obey

2.     Ngeomai – to lead, rule, command, have authority

                                               vii.     Titus 1:7

1.     Episkopos – overseer – see Acts 20:28

2.     Oikovomos – manager, superintendent, manage a farm

3.     Note – Luke 12:42 – this steward is a “ruler”

4.     Extent of authority

a.     Acts 20:28 – all the flock (local congregation) – verse 17

b.     Acts 14:23 – elders in every church

c.     1 Thessalonians 1:5 – labor among you and over you

d.     Titus 1:5 – elders in every city

e.     1 Peter 5:2 – feed the flock among you

f.      Philippians 1:1 saints at Philippi

5.     Specific Questions

a.     Does the elder’s authority include requiring Wednesday night attendance? Sunday night? Answer: Yes, and gospel meetings, etc. Hebrews 13:17 – “they watch for your souls” is given as the reason we are to obey.

b.     Can elders require Bible class attendance? Answer: Yes, if they see the need for extra spiritual food. They are to feed the flock. The shepherds choose the menu, amount and occasions. The flock eats.

c.     What if I disagree with a decision made? Answer: A. Talk to the elders. Explain your view. They are human. I know of an elder that made a mistake one time. B. 1 Timothy 5:19-20

d.     What about a disagreement over where the money is spent? Answer: Elder bear that responsibility. It is not your decision. Compare to Federal Government. Even if you disagree, you still owe your taxes.


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