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  1. General Denominational Teachings
    Instrumental Music
    Saved by Faith Only
    1,000 Year Reign
    Many Churches (denominations)

  2. Baptist
    Once Saved, Always Saved
    Baptism not Necessary

  3. Pentecostal
    Tongue Speaking
    Holy Spirit Baptism

  4. Catholic
    Peter as Pope

  5. Methodist, et al.
    Infant Baptism

  6. Seventh Day Adventists
    Keep the Sabbath

  7. Jehovah’s Witness
    No blood transfusions
    Not participate in civil government
    Eternal life will be here on earth

General Denominational Teachings

Instrumental Music

  1. Psalm 149:3; Psalm 150:3-6

    Argument: David played instruments as a part of worship.
    Response: David offered animal sacrifices. (2 Samuel 24:24-25) He offered burnt offerings. (2 Samuel 6:18) David was subject to the law of Moses. We are subject to the law of Christ. What David did is not our authority. It is important to notice that instruments are absent for the first six hundred years of the NT church. This was one of the contrasts to both Jewish worship and the pagan festivals of the first century.


  3. Revelation 14:1-3
    Argument: There are instruments of music in heaven
    Response: Heaven is not the church. There are horses in heaven (Rev. 6:2), frogs are in heaven (Rev. 16:13), lamps are in heaven (Rev. 4:5). Patriarchs like Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob will be in heaven, even though they were never part of the NT church. Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah and David will be in heaven. They did not worship as the NT church. They were not baptized. They did not believe in Jesus. Heaven will have many things which are not part of the NT church.

  4. Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16
    Argument: “Psallo” means to pluck the strings of an instrument.
    Response: Psallo means to pluck, touch, twang, twitch. WHAT (the object) is plucked is not included in the verb. Psallo is a verb which shows the action. What was aced upon is learned from other parts of the sentence. Chalk lines are twitched, chickens are plucked, and a hair on our head is plucked. In these verses, we are told to “psallo” in your heart to the Lord. The heart is the instrument to be touched.

Saved by Faith Only

  1. Mark 1:15
    Argument: The correct order is repentance, then saving faith.
    Response: How could repentance without faith please God? (Hebrews 11:6) If repentance comes before faith then the devil has repented. (James 2:19) The preaching of Jesus and John was to Jewish people. They needed to repent (toward God) and believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you were preaching to an atheist, which would you preach first, Faith or Repentance?


  2. Luke 7:50
    Argument: We are saved, like this woman, by faith only.
    Response: This woman was a Jew in covenant relationship with God. In John 12:42-43 many believed in Jesus but they did not confess him. She was not blessed by the Lord until her faith had expressed itself.

  3. John 3:16
    : “We believe the scriptures teach that the salvation of sinners is wholly of grace; through the mediatorial offices of the Son of God. We believe the scriptures teach that the great gospel blessing which Christ secures to such as believe in Him is justification; that justification includes the pardon of sins, and the gift of eternal life on the principles of righteousness; that it is bestowed, not in consideration of any works of righteousness which we have done, but solely through faith in Christ.” Hiscox Standard Manual for Baptist Churches, 61-62)
    Response: Baptism is not mentioned in this verse. Neither is repentance, love, preaching and confession. If this verse proves that baptism is not necessary to salvation, it also proves that repentance is not necessary. The claim is for salvation “wholly of grace” yet they require faith.

  4. Acts 15:8-9
    Argument: God purified their hearts by faith (without mention of baptism).
    Response: Just ask “How does God purify hearts”? See 1 Peter 1:22. God purifies hearts when they obey the truth. Their faith must be put into action.

  5. Acts 16:30-31
    : Paul did not tell the jailer to be baptized.
    Response: As with many teaching error, they stop a few verses too soon. Baptism was included in Paul’s teaching. The jailer was baptized the same hour of the night (33). He rejoiced “having believed in God.” The hearing, believing, repentance and baptism are all included in “having believed.” His rejoicing came AFTER his baptism. Why did they baptize him the same hour of the night?

  6. Romans 4:3-8
    : Abraham and David were justified by faith and without works.
    Response: Righteousness is based on our doing right. (1 John 3:7) Abraham did right. The earth is blessed because he obeyed God. (Genesis 22:18; Hebrews 11:8) In Romans “faith” includes works of obedience. (Romans 1:5; 16:26) The book begins and ends with statements to make this clear. As you study Hebrews 11 notice the repetition of the phrase, “By faith (name) [verb of action]...” Able offered, Enoch walked, Noah moved, Abraham went, Isaac blessed, Joseph gave commandment, Moses refused. Who is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin? The one who walks in the steps of faith of father Abraham (Rom. 4:12). What if we do not walk in the light as Jesus is in the light? (1 John 1:7) He will not be cleansed from all sin. In Martin Luther’s translation of Rom. 3:28, he added the word “alone.” when asked about this addition to the text he said, “Thus I will and am determined to have it; my will is the reason!”

  7. Romans 5:1
    : Salvation is solely through faith and not by any works of righteousness which we have done.
    Response: “Therefore” indicates that this is a conclusion reached from the previous chapter. The faith that justifies (5:1) is the faith that walks (4:12). In Romans 5:9 we are justified by Christ’s blood and the mode of reaching that blood is baptism (6:3-4). We are reconciled in one body (Eph. 2:16) and we are baptized into that one body (1 Cor. 12:13).

  8. Ephesians 2:8-9
    : Salvation is wholly of grace.
    Response: If salvation is “wholly of grace” then faith is excluded. Grace describes God’s attitude toward us. Faith describes man’s attitude toward God. Faith saves when? When our faith is active and obedient. What did these Ephesians do to be saved? The heard (Eph. 1:13), they believed it (1:13), they repented (Ac. 20:21), they confessed their sins (Acts 18:19), and they were baptized (Ac. 19:5). How were they saved? By grace through faith, not of themselves. It is a work of God.

  9. 1 John 4:7
    : We are saved at the instant that we love God.
    Response: Does the sinner love God before he believes? Are we “born of God” the moment we love God, before we believe, before we repent? (Heb. 11:6; Acts 17:30) OR - Do we repent of our sins and believe in a God we do not love? If we love God, we will do what he says. (John 14:15)

1,000 Year Reign

  1. Daniel 7:13-14
    Argument: Christ will come to earth and be crowned as King.
    Response: Study the direction Jesus is going. He is leaving earth and coming to God. The coronation takes place in heaven, before God.

  2. Matthew 24
    : All the signs of wars, disasters, earthquakes, etc. are signs of the end of time and the return of Jesus to earth to set up his kingdom.
    Response: Why does Jesus warn about winter, Sabbath day, having small children and taking things from you house? This passage deals with the destruction of Jerusalem (70 AD). Read the parallel account in Luke 21:20. The chapter begins with a discussion of the destruction of the temple. The apostles asked when these things would occur. They also asked about the end of time and the end of the world. Jesus answers both questions. As to the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, there are many signs. Look for them. Be alert. Watch for them and you will know it is near. Then he discusses the end of the world by saying there are no signs, no one knows, it will come without warning or signs to announce its arrival.

    1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
    : This passage proves that Jesus will rapture away the saints.
    Response: This passage shows that those who died faithful to God will not be left behind or miss the second coming of Christ. This text denies a return to earth - “And so shall we ever be with the Lord” Jesus will bring down with him the spirits. The bodies will rise from the earth. Bodies and spirits will be united in the air. This is a description of resurrection day.

    Revelation 20:1-5
    : There will be a 1,000 year reign of Christ.
    Response: Study the passage carefully and observe what is missing from this chapter - Second coming, Palestine, Israel, Throne of David, Kingdom, Jerusalem, Christ as King, Planet earth, Rapture, Tribulation, Peace on earth, All saints, Bodily resurrection, People on earth, Reign on earth, Christ on earth, Us (people alive). Who reigns in Rev. 20? “THEY” who were beheaded and worshipped not the beast. What condition are they in during this reign? Dead, Souls (not bodies), before the resurrection. Where are they? In heaven, with Christ, absent from the body. When do they reign? While Satan is bound. before Satan is loosed for a little season. Is this reign taught elsewhere? While Jesus was on earth (Matt. 2:2; John 18:33-37); After his ascension (1 Pet. 3:22; Acts 2:32-36); Christians (Rev. 5:9-10); After death (Rev. 3:21; 2 Tim. 2:11-12).

Many Churches (denominations)

  1. John 10:16
    Argument: Jesus is the good shepherd of many flocks (churches).
    Response: The goal of Jesus was to have “One fold, and one shepherd.” The “other sheep” mentioned here is a reference to the gentiles (non-Jews) who would hear and respond to the gospel. Jesus laid down his life for his sheep, not just Jewish sheep. He seeks to bring all men to salvation and bring them to unity in one fold.

  2. John 15:1-5
    Argument: There are many “branches” (churches) which are all connected to Jesus and are supported by him.
    Response: The “branches” of this passage are individuals not groups or churches. Verse 6 says, “If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch.” When Jesus said, “Ye are the branches,” he was not talking to the heads of 12 different churches. He was talking to 12 men, his apostles.

  3. Revelation 1:4
    Argument: There are at least seven (7) churches mentioned.
    Response: The word “church” is used in three ways in the NT. [A] The church which Jesus built (Matt. 16:18) which is the one body (Eph. 1:22-23). [B] The local congregation of the church. Corinth and Ephesus are locations where a congregation of the church existed. Paul started churches in several cities (Acts 15:36). Several congregations are addressed in Galatians. [C] The church “assembled” for worship (1 Cor. 11:18). When we discuss the number of churches Jesus built, we are not counting local congregations, nor are we discussing the number of worship assemblies.


Once Saved, Always Saved

  1. John 10:28-29
    Argument: No one can remove a child of God from God’s hand.
    Response: An important question to ask here is WHO has such protection. Who are they? See vs. 27. Jesus give three requirements for his sheep. [1] Jesus’ sheep hear his voice. [2] Jesus knows his sheep. [3] The sheep follow the commands of Jesus. It is important to notice that these words are present active, showing a present and continuing action. The sheep continue to hear the voice of Jesus and they continue to follow him. (See 1 John 1:7 “If we walk in the light”)

  2. 1 John 3:9
    Argument: It is impossible for a child of God to sin.
    Response: The new birth is a spiritual process which changes our attitude toward sin. In repentance, we change our mind and direction. When one is born of God he does not live in, dwell in sin. He may sin, but he does not live there. This verse is in the present active tense. The present active in Greek shows an action in progress and continuing. This means that all verbs should be understood to have the force of “keeping on and continuing in” the action. “He cannot sin” is teaching that the child of God cannot continue to live a sinful lifestyle, thus “He cannot continue living in sin.”

  3. John 5:24
    Argument: Christians already have eternal life.
    Response: If the Christian already has eternal life now, where does hope come in? (Rom. 8:24) Eternal life will be given at the end of the world. (Matt. 25:46) Salvation is a past event, a present experience and a future hope. Eternal life is promised to us by hope. (1 Tim. 6:11-19; Titus 3:7) Notice the conditions: “He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me.” These are present active participles. We must continue to hear and believe. What if one stops hearing? or stops believing?

  4. NOTE: There are many verses which might be used - too many to include here. However, there are two important clues to responding to all these passages.
    A. Present Active Tense - The present active tense is an action that is in progress and continuing. In English we would say, “I am continuing to walk.” It is a rule you can mark down and remember. ALL of the verses used to prove OSAS are present active.
    B. Qualifiers - Look in the passage itself and in the surrounding verses for qualifiers and terms which describe who is given such a promise. Many of these passages use an “If ... then ...” formula. The Baptists will teach the “then” part of the passage and ignore the “if” statements.

Baptism Not Necessary

  1. 1 Corinthians 1:17
    Argument: Baptism was not important to Paul.
    Response: The context is about wearing the name of the preacher or teacher who did the baptizing. (v. 12) Paul did baptize people. (v. 14, 16) He did not try to keep records. His mission was to preach the gospel. The responsibility to be baptized is up to those who believe and decide to obey. Notice Mark 16:15-16. You go, You preach to every creature, He that believes and is baptized shall be saved. The change from You to He shows the change in responsibility. I can not make or force people to be baptized. It must be their decision.

  2. Acts 16:30-31
    Argument: Paul just told the jailer to believe.
    Response: Each person who asks about salvation must be taught from where they are. We must begin where a person is and lead them to where they need to be. On Pentecost, the Jews who were already believers, were told to repent and be baptized. (Acts 2:38) Saul was a repentant believer and was told to arise and be baptized. (Acts 22:16) Here is a pagan man with no background in God or the Old Testament scriptures. He must begin with faith. Notice, that they were baptized the same hour of the night. Why? It is clear that in their study the subject of baptism was discussed.

  3. John 3:16
    Argument: The only requirement for salvation is faith.
    Response: Repentance is not mentioned in this verse. (Luke 13:3; Acts 17:30) Loving Jesus is not mentioned in this verse. (John 14:15) There are many other things that are not mentioned in this passage. This text is important because it shows the part that God has in making salvation available to us. It also shows that faith in Jesus is part of our response. It is not the total response. Salvation is not by faith alone, nor by repentance alone, nor by prayer alone, nor even by love alone, but by virtue of all these combined, that we put on Christ. If this passage teaches salvation by faith without perfecting that faith by obedience, it proves that the devils will be saved. (James 2:19)

  4. John 4:1-2
    Argument: Jesus made disciples before they were baptized. Jesus did not think that baptism was important.
    Response: This passage proves that John and Jesus were making converts in the same way, by baptizing sinners “for the remission of sins.” (Luke 3:3; Mark 1:4) If Jesus did not think baptism was important, why did he have his disciples baptize more than John?



  1. 1 Corinthians 14:5
    Argument: Paul wants all Christians to speak in tongues.
    Response: 1. Study the context. He is showing that prophecy is better than tongues in the worship services.
    Verse Prophecy Tongues
    2 Speak unto men Speak unto God
    2-3 Understood, Edification, Comfort Mysteries
    4 Edifies the church Edifies self
    5 Greater is prophecy Drawbacks to tongues
    5 No interpreter needed Must have interpreter
    2. Paul’s conclusion (39) Seek (covet) to prophesy, don’t forbid tongues.

  2. Mark 16:17
    Argument: Tongues will follow all believers.
    Response: Jesus mentions five activities on this list. He does not promise that EVERY believer shall do all these things. Mark states the purpose for these signs to be seen by the early church. The purpose of these signs was to confirm the word. The “signs following” shows that they were done to prove the message was true. Compare this passage with Hebrews 2:1-4. In 1 Corinthians 12 it is clear that not all Christians had all these gifts. (8-11; 28-31) Since these gifts come from God (not man) then, If I do not have any or all of these gifts - it is God’s fault. You can not take one item from this list and reject the others. If you take the tongues you must also take the snakes. If you teach healing you must drink poison.


  3. 1 Corinthians 13:10
    Argument: Tongues will last until Christ (perfect) comes.
    Response: The purpose of this chapter is to show that spiritual gifts are temporary compared to the eternal gift of love. (8-13) Notice the examples Paul gives to make the contrast. Partial knowledge vs. complete knowledge: Perfect vs. In part; Child vs. Man; Dark glass vs. clear glass; Things the cease vs. things that remain (abide). “That which is perfect” is neuter. This is not in reference to Christ or it would be masculine gender. “Perfect” = complete, finished, the end of a process. It is not a description of the sinlessly perfect Christ. It is a reference to the completed revelation and the maturing of the church. This passage discusses things that cease (tongues, prophesy, knowledge) and abide (faith, hope, love). If tongues last to the 2nd Coming, when will faith, hope and love continue when tongues have ceased? Faith and hope will end at the 2nd coming. (Heb. 11:6; Rom. 8:24)

Holy Spirit Baptism

  1. 1 Corinthians 12:13
    Argument: All are to be baptized in the Holy Spirit.
    Response: In this verse the Holy Spirit is the administrator of baptism, not the element of it. “By” the Spirit we are all baptized. This verse teaches the importance of baptism for all (Jew and Gentile; bond or free) and shows that it is in baptism that we become part of the body of Christ (the church).

  2. Acts 1:4-5
    Argument: Jesus promised Holy Spirit baptism.
    Response: True, Jesus promised Holy Spirit baptism - to the apostles. He was here talking to the 11. The same is true in John 14-16. When the day of Pentecost came and the baptism of the Holy Spirit arrived who was baptized with this power? Pentecostals claim that all of the 120 in the upper room (1:15) were thus baptized. Notice that the chapter ends with the phrase “And he was numbered with the eleven apostles.” The next words are “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, THEY (Who is “they”?) were all with one accord in one place.” (2:1) The nearest nouns to they is 1:26 (he [Matthias] with the eleven apostles).

  3. John 3:5
    Argument: There are two baptisms here, Spirit and water.
    Response: Eph. 4:5 says there is one baptism. Jesus is explaining to Nicodemus that the new birth is not a physical one, it is spiritual in nature. We are not born by the natural process a second time. This is a spiritual new beginning. In verse 6 he makes a clear separation of flesh and spirit.

  4. Acts 10:44-46
    Argument: Cornelius was not an apostle and he received Holy Spirit baptism.
    Response: Cornelius did not receive Holy Spirit baptism. There are two things similar with Pentecost. [A] He received the same gift - the gift of tongues. [B] It arrived in the same manner (11:15) - directly from God. This reminded Peter of the word of Jesus. (11:16) He did not get any revelation from God. Peter had to go to “tell him words” so he could be saved. (11:14). The only baptism mentioned here is in 47 & 48.


Peter As Pope

  1. Matthew 16:18
    Argument: Peter was the rock upon which the church was built.
    Response: Five verses later (23) Jesus calls Peter, Satan. The rock on which the church is built is the fem. form (petra) while the name Peter is from the Mas. form (petros). Petra means a solid bed of rock. Petros means a small stone or pebble. Jesus states that upon the faith and confession that He is the Son of God the church would be built.

  2. Ephesians 2:20
    Argument: The church is built upon the work of Peter.
    Response: The text says that the “apostles” (plural) were the foundation of the church. This verse does not single out one apostle above the rest.

  3. Matthew 10:2
    Argument: Peter’s name always heads the list of apostles.
    Response: It appears the Peter, Andrew, James and John always head the list. These four were the first to become disciples and were among those chosen to be apostles. If this makes Peter, Pope, then it must make Andrew, James and John, Cardinals.

  4. NOTE: It is claimed that Peter was the first Pope and that he ruled from Rome from about 41-67 AD.
    Response: There are many reasons Peter could not have been Pope in Rome. [1] Acts 12 Peter was prisoner in Jerusalem. He could not be in Rome at this time. [2] While Paul was a prisoner in Rome he wrote Philemon, Colossians, Ephesians, Phillipians and 2 Timothy, but never mentioned Peter. [3] 2 Tim. 4:11 says “Only Luke is with me.” Where was Peter? [4] Paul wrote to the church at Rome and greets 27 individuals by name, but not Peter. [5] Peter wrote two letter and makes no mention of Rome. [6] Peter refused to be bowed down to in Acts 10. [7] In Romans 1:11 Paul want to travel to Rome to “impart unto you some spiritual gift.” If Peter was already in Rome, why did Paul need to go there? [8] Romans 8:11 also says that the church in Rome needed to be “established.” If Peter is the Pope of Rome, why is it not already established?


  1. Matthew 19:11-12; 21
    Argument: Celibacy is a higher sanctity than marriage.
    Response: Marriage is honorable in all. (Heb. 13:4) God created male and female for the express purpose of be helpers suited to meet the needs of each other. God said, “It is not good for man to be alone.” (Gen. 2:18) Forbidding marriage is a sign of apostasy. (1 Tim. 4:3) Peter was married. (Matt. 8:14; 1 Cor. 9:5) Bishops are required to be married. (1 Tim. 3:2; Titus 1:6) For 800 years priests were allowed to marry. It was not until the 2nd Lateran Council that marriage was forbidden. Gregory the Great, (Pope in 605) was the grandson of a former Pope. How can this be?

  2. 1 Corinthians 7:7-8; 32-33
    Argument: Paul was unmarried and recommended celibacy for others.
    Response: These instructions were because of a time of distress. (v. 26) Were these instructions addressed to a few “clergy” or to all the “church of God at Corinth”? (1:2) Does being celibate help them to be pure? Pope Boniface (984-985) murdered Pope John XIV (983-984). Pope John XIX (1024-1033) passed thorough all the orders to become Pope in one day by buying the office. Sergius (905-963) had a mistress, Marozia. John XII (955-963) was murdered in the act of adultery by the woman’s enraged husband.


  1. Matthew 5:26
    Argument: If the debt is paid we can be released from Purgatory.
    Response: Some important questions need to be raised. Is there any indication that this parable concerns the state of the departed between death and resurrection? Who pays the debt? How do you know how much is enough to be released from purgatory? In Luke 23:43 Jesus did not ask John to pay or pray for the thief to be released from purgatory. Purgatory assumes that others can make atonement for our sins. Is there a price tag on Heaven?

  2. 1 Corinthians 3:11-15
    Argument: “The dross of lighter transgressions will be burnt away and the soul thus purified, will be saved.”
    Response: This passage does not discuss purgatory. “Every man’s work shall be tested.” Purgatory does not test a man’s work to determine its character. It tests the pocketbook of the family who survives. “The day” must have a reference to a specific day, a fixed point in time.


  1. Matthew 26:26-28
    Argument: Jesus, when he prayed, turned the bread into his literal body, and the fruit of the vine into his literal blood.
    Response: When a pronoun is used we must refer to the nearest antecedent to learn what is being discussed. Jesus took BREAD. He blessed it. What did he bless? He broke it. What did he break? He gave it to the disciples. What was given to the disciples? He took the CUP, gave thanks and gave it to them. What did he give to them? Notice vs. 29. Jesus, after the prayer, said, “I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine...” It was still grape juice. When Jesus said he was a door (John 10:9) or a vine (John 15:1) he did not change substance and become a literal door or vine. This is a figure of speech called metonymy, where one things stands for, represents in some way or is a figure of something else. Examples: Head of cattle, a man in the office may the “gopher.”

  2. 1 Corinthians 11:23-27
    Argument: The priest performs a miracle in changing the bread into the literal body of Christ, and the fruit of the vine into the blood of Christ.
    Response: Notice Paul’s statement (v. 26) after the blessing of the bread it is still called “bread”. Verse 28 says, “Let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread.” The substance has not changed. What has changed is our attitude toward it. You may drink grape juice for breakfast for its nutritional value. In the Lord’s Supper we are to remember the Lord’s death. The difference is not the substance. The difference is in our frame of mind. Notice, that while the Catholics only serve the bread (the priest drinks the wine), here eating and drinking are connected in 27, 28, and 29.

Methodist, et. al.

Infant Baptism

  1. Matthew 18:1-4
    Argument: Children will be in heaven. Baptism is the way to enter the kingdom of God.
    Response: To be part of the kingdom of heaven we must be converted. Children do not need to be converted. We must be converted to be like them. This passage does not teach infant baptism. It teaches that infants do not need to be baptized, changed, converted to enter heaven.

  2. Matthew 19:14
    Argument: Children are baptized to be dedicated to God by their parents.
    Response: Children do not need to be baptized. Baptism is for - Remission of sins (Acts 2:38); Washing away of sins (Acts 22:16); Entrance into Christ (Rom. 6:3-4); Entrance into the church (1 Cor. 12:13); Salvation (1 Pet. 3:21); Flee the wrath to come (Matt. 3:7); Obey the counsel of God (Luke 7:30); enter the Kingdom of God (John 3:5). Infants do not need any of the things that baptism does.

  3. Acts 10 (Cornelius household); Acts 16:14-15 (Lydia); Acts 16:33 (Jailer)
    Argument: In these cases of household conversions there must have been some infants.
    Response: Take each case and learn WHO was baptized.
    Cornelius - All were present to hear the things commanded of God. (33) They must fear God and work righteousness. (34) They were able to magnify God. (46) They were able to respond to a command. (48) Infants can not do these things.
    Lydia - The others with Lydia were by the riverside praying. (13) They worshipped God. (14) They attended to the things which were spoken of Paul. (14) They were faithful. (15)
    Jailer - They were commanded to believe. (31) They rejoiced. (34) They believed in God. (34) Infants are not found here.

    Infants can not meet the requirements for baptism. BEFORE baptism one must meet these conditions - Faith (Heb. 11:6; Mark 16:16); Repentance (Acts 2:38; Luke 13:3; Acts 17:30; 2 Pet. 3:9); Confession with the mouth (Rom. 10:9-10; Matt. 10:32-33; Acts 8:37). Infants can do none of these things. They are not proper subjects for baptism.


Seventh Day Adventists

Keep the Sabbath

  1. Matthew 5:17
    Argument: Jesus did not come to do away with the law of Moses.
    Response: The word “destroy” means to annihilate. Jesus did not come to erase the law as if it had never existed. He did come to: [A] Fulfill it by keeping it perfectly. [B] It would remain UNTIL it was fulfilled. It was fulfilled on the cross.


  2. Deuteronomy 31:24-26
    Argument: The 10 Commandments on stone (Law of the Lord) and the books of law written on scrolls (Law of Moses) are separate laws.
    Response: The tables of stone were placed inside the ark of the covenant and the five scrolls were placed in a pocket on the outside of the ark. But, were they separate laws? Did one end and the other remain?
    Study carefully Luke 2:21-24. The purification of Mary after the birth of a first born son is mentioned as the law of Moses (22). The sacrifice to make is a quotation from Lev. 12:2-8 and is called the law of the Lord. There is no difference. It is the same law.


  3. Ephesians 2:14-15; Colossians 2:14-15
    Argument: These passages only deal with the law of Moses, the ceremonial part of the law. They do not apply to the 10 Commandments.
    Response: Take a closer look at each passage. In the Ephesian passage, WHAT was abolished? “The law of commandments (10 commandments) contained in ordinances.” The commandments are inside the ordinances. You can not throw out the ordinances without discarding the commandments. The passage in Colossians is clearer proof. The law was nailed to the cross (14) It was called “the handwriting of ordinances.” Observe the conclusion Paul draws. “Therefore” (16) we can not judge each other about daily eating and drinking, weekly Sabbaths, monthly new moon feasts or annual holy days. If one tries to judge you about your failure to observe the Sabbath, he is in violation of this passage.


  4. Amos 8:5, 9-10 and 2 Corinthians 3:6-18
    Argument: Here are two passages the Adventists will NOT use.
    Response: Amos is asked when the Sabbath will be gone so farmers can sell wheat. God answers (9) with several clues. It will happen in that day that: [A] Sun goes down at noon; [B] Darken earth in clear day; [C] A feast time is turned into mourning; [D] It will be mourning of an only son. The death of Christ fits. This is when the Sabbath would be gone. God said so!
    In 2 Corinthians 3:6-18 Paul discusses the ending of the 10 commandments (“written and engraven in stones”, v. 7). Observe the phrases used - “to be done away” (7); “is done away” (11); “is abolished” (12); “is done away in Christ” (14); “the veil shall be taken away” (16). The whole point of this passage is the letter of the law kills while the spirit gives life (6). That which was “written and engraven in stones” (the 10 commandments) is called [A] “letter killeth” (6); [B] “ministration of death” (7); [C] “ministration of condemnation” (8); [D] “no glory” (10); [E] “blinded” (14); [F] “veil untaken away” (14).

Jehovah’s Witnesses

No Blood Transfusions

  1. Acts 15:20; 29
    Argument: We should not drink (by transfusion) blood.
    Response: A blood transfusion is a medical procedure. The thing prohibited here was a pagan ritual of worship. We should abstain from things that might be considered approval or endorsement of false teachings.
    God has always condemned the “drinking of blood.” (Gen. 9:4; Lev. 3:17; Lev. 17:14; Deut. 12:16, 23) There are two reasons for this prohibition. [A] Blood was often used in the rituals and worship of pagans. God wanted a clear separation from idolatry. [B] Blood represents life. Blood was offered as a sacrifice for sins. The blood of Christ saves us. (Rom. 5:9) Therefore, blood has a spiritual, life, sacrificial quality. Do not treat this lightly.

Not Participate in Civil Government

  1. Ephesians 2:19
    Argument: Loyalty to the US government is being a traitor to our citizenship in the kingdom of God.
    Response: Jesus was able to see the difference. He told Pilate that his kingdom was not of this world. (John 18:36) Jesus made it clear that his kingdom was not in opposition to nor in competition with the civil government of Rome. Paul was able to make the distinction. He was a citizen of the kingdom of God. (Col. 1:14; Heb. 12:28) He also used his freedom as Roman citizen. (Acts 21:39; 22:25; 26:32)


  2. Romans 13:1-4
    Argument: We are to pay taxes. Nothing else.
    Response: Later in this same passage (7) Paul says that we owe all men their due tribute, custom, honor and obedience to the law (3). If we obey the law, we have nothing to fear. If we do evil (disobey the civil law) we will be punished. (4)
    Some suggest that we should not criticize, speak against government policy or vote in elections. We are free in the USA to speak out. We can use that freedom, just as Paul used his Roman citizenship to stop from being beaten. (Acts 22:25-28) If we do not vote as we are given the freedom to do, then we should not complain about the policy of the government.

Eternal Life Will Be Here On Earth

  1. Revelation 21:1
    Argument: The new earth is a rebuilt “garden of Eden”, a new paradise.
    Response: They fail to read the rest of the verse. The “first heaven and first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.” This earth will burn, melt, dissolve and be destroyed by fire. (2 Peter 3:19-13) The new earth will not be a remodeled version of the earth. This earth will be gone. Therefore, we look for the promise of a new dwelling place. Abraham did this. (Heb. 11:10)


  2. Revelation 7:4
    Argument: Only 144,000 will be in heaven. The rest will be on earth.
    Response: John said, “I heard the number of then that were sealed.” He then shows where the number came from, there were 12,000 out of each of the 12 tribes making a total of 144.000. After this a “great multitude, which no man could number” (9) are introduced. Where are they? They are “before the throne, and before the Lamb.” They are given white robes and have palms in their hands. Who are they? (13) All (the 144,000, the great multitude, the angels) worshipped the Lamb and rejoiced that he would care for them. (13-17) They are before the throne of God (15) and serve him in the temple. He that sits on the throne is among them. (15) The Lamb of God feeds them. (16) They are not on earth, they are in heaven.

ENDNOTE: I have not touched all the doctrines. I have not discussed all the scriptures they use. I do hope that this material will be helpful to you.


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