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Introduction to the book of Hebrews


1.     Name:


2.     Author:





3.     Date:


4.     Place:


5.     Purpose:


6.     Outline:
A. Christ is Superior to Prophets and Angels                    1:1 - 2:4
B. The Humanity of Jesus                                               2:5 - 2:18
C. Superior Apostleship of Christ                                     3:1 - 4:13
D. The Perfection of Christ’s Priesthood                          4:14 - 5:10
E. An Admonistion and a Warning                                   5:11 - 6:20
F. Superiority of Christ’s Priesthood over Aaronic             7:1 - 8:5
G. Superior Qualities of the New Covenant                      8:6 - 8:13
H. Superior Offerings and Services of the New Covenant 9:1 - 10:18
I. Exhortations, Warnings, Encouragements                    10:19 - 10:39
J. The Sustaining Power of Faith                                     11:1 - 11:40
K. Exhortations to Similar Confidence and Perseverance  12:1 - 12:29
L. Practical Exhortations                                                 13:1 - 13:25


7.     Disucssion Questions:
A. To whom is the letter addressed?
B. Give some reasons Paul is thought to be the author.
C. What is the importance of this book for us?


SECTION 1             HEBREWS 1:1 - 2:4


1.  God has spoken                             1:1-3


2.  Contrast with angels             1:4-14


3.  Conclusion                            2:1-4


4. Discussion Questions

          A. How has God spoken to mankind in the past?

          B. What characteristic of Christ is emphasized in this section?

          C. Define: “The last days.”

          D. Define: “Trinity.”


SECTION 2                       HEBREWS 2:5 - 2:18


1.  Man’s dominion                              2:5-9


2.  God’s mission                                 2:10-13


3. Four reasons God became man       2:14-18


4. Discussion Questions

          A. What still has mastery over man?

          B. Why is Christ the perfect mediator?

          C. What characteristic of Christ is taught here?

SECTION 3                       HEBREWS 3:1 - 4:13


1. Christ is greater than Moses           3:1-6


2.  A Warning from Israel’s history      3:7-17


3. The rest remaining for God’s people         4:1-10


4.  The Word of God                                      4:11-13


5. Discussion questions

          A. In what way is Chrsit an apostle?

          B. How is Christ greater than Moses?

          C. Who can enter God’s rest?

          D. Define: “Unbelief” as used in this section.

          E. How can one prevent apostasy?

          F. Discuss and define: “Soul” and “Spirit.”


SECTION 4                       HEBREWS 4:15 - 5:10


1. Christ as High Priest                        4:14-16


2.  Qualifications and functions of the High Priest            5:1-4


3. Christ’s Qualifications for the office                    5:5-10
















4. Discussion questions

          A. Explain the difference in a priest and a high priest.

          B. By what did Jesus become the perfect offering?

          C. What could Jesus do that other high priests could not?


SECTION 5                       5:11 - 6:20


1.  Admonition to study                       5:11-14











2. Go on to perfection                         6:1-3









3. Dangers and consequences of apostasy             6:4-8


4. Encouragement and exhortations                        6:9-20


5. Discussion questions

          A. Why did Paul stop the discussion of the prieshood?

          B. What are first principles?

          C. Why is it “impossible to renew them to repentance?”

          D. What is the anchor of the soul?


SECTION 6                       HEBREWS 7:1 - 8:5


1. Melchizedek, the type of Christ                 7:1-9


2. End of the old priesthood                          7:10-19


3. Establishments of the new priesthood       7:20-28


4. The chief point                                           8:1-5


5. Discussion questions

          A. How is Melchizedek’s prieshood superior to Aaron’s?

          B. Could Jesus be a priest on earth?

          C. What did Moses say aobut Judah and priesthood?

          D. What is the “chief point?”

          E. Discuss: The silence of the Scriptures.


SECTION 7                       HEBREWS 8:6-13


1.  A better covenant                           8:6


2. God’s covenant with Israel              8:7-9


3. Benefits of the new covenant          8:10-13












4. Discussion questions

          A. What are the “better promises” of the new covenent?

          B. What was the fault of the old covenent?

          C. what is the new covenent better?


SECTION 8                       HEBREWS 9:1 - 10:18


1. Sactuary imperfect                9:1-10


2. Perfect mediator                    9:11-14


3. Covenant valid by Christ’s death               9:15-22


4. Salvation “once for all”                              9:23-27


5. Finality of Christ’s atonement                    10:1-18


6. Discussion questions

          A. List the furnishings of the tabernacle.

          B. List the “anti-type” of each of these.

          C. Discuss the statement: “Their sins were rolled forward.”

          D. Is this the last age, covenant, dispensation?


SECTION 9                       HEBREWS 10:19-39


1. Hold on                                  10:19-25


2. Judgment of apostates                    10:26-31


3. Encouragement                               10:32-39


4. Discussion questions

          A. What is “the day” of 10:25?

          B. Describe a wifull sin.

          C. Are there degrees of punishment?

          D. What is our duty to keep each other faithful?


SECTION 10                     HEBREWS 11:1-40


1. What faith is                11:1


2. What faith did              11:2-3


3. Roll call of faith            11:4-40










Amram and Jocebed




Many others

4. Discussion questions

          A. Write your own defenition of faith.

          B. In view of verse 6, what should our faith be doing?


SECTION 11                     HEBREWS 12:1-29


1. The race before us                          12:1-4



2. Purpose of our trials                        12:5-13



3. Remain faithful or lose all                12:14-17



4. Exhortation on the nature of the Christian age              12:18-29



5. Discussion questions

          A. Discuss the difference in “weights” and “sins.”

          B. What cannot be shaken?

          C. How should we accept suffering?


SECTION 12                     HEBREWS 13:1-25




·       Love - 1


·       Hospitality - 2


·       Sympathy - 3


·       Marriage - 4


·       Contentment - 5-6


·       Elders - 7, 17, 24


·       Stability of doctrine - 8-14



2. Close                 13:20-25


3. Discussion questions

          A. Discussion the relations of elders to the congregation.

          B. How important is contentment in the Christian life?

          C. What does 13:8 mean?

          D. Could we “entertain angels”?

          E. Explain the phrase “without the camp.”


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